Listeneisse UN Interests

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Listeneisse > UN Interests


Policy Interests

The Kingdom of Listeneisse has taken stands on a range of issues, mostly revolving around international security, global disarmament, and arms control. It has also participated in discussions of such diverse topics as wilderness conservation, alternative energy sources, and data media formats.

Chemical Weapons

  • Chemical Weapons Ban - Authored proposed UN Resolution to replace the repealed UN Resolution "Ban Chemical Weapons." -- Status: DRAFT.
  • From the work done alongside Ausserland, Listeneisse drafted and submitted a resolution for Chemical Weapons Management). -- Status: Not approved by UN Delegates.
  • Actively campaigned against the repeal of banned chemical weapons. This led to both ideological partnership and political differences with Ausserland, a nation within the region of the City of Ankh Morpork (CAM), which wished for the repeal of the Ban Chemical Weapons resolution, hoping to provide a replacement of greater clarity.


Alternative Energy

  • Listeneisse supports sustainable resource management and renewable energy, but wishes to balance sustainable, renewable energy sources with continued economic development.

Family Law

  • Repeal "Definition of Marriage" - The Kingdom believes there should be a stronger definition of family, delineating what constitutes a valid marriage or not. It recognizes marriages and family structure, and related laws and religious practices, vary greatly between nations, so it wants to ensure whatever is offered in replacement is precise, and careful to not offend the sensibilities of different cultures. An initial draft replacement Definition of Marriage was offered, but could use more formal review.

UN Committees

It is also beginning to participate in, or is interestedly monitoring the activities of UN Committees, including,

UN Missions

  • Listeniesse Offers Humanitarian Aid in response to the refugee crisis in the IDU and Mikitivity's call for Relief Supplies Needed in American Federalist - Our Venerable Mother Mary Elaine Sarrasinte of the Order of Grey Nuns sent dozens of nuns throughout the affected states in the IDU to undertake relief work.Additional humanitarian relief workers from the White Monks and Grail Templars have also reached the affected regions. Now hundreds of relief workers are busy in many nations, including the latest incident in Pagemaster. (Of particular interest to IDU and UN IRCO members.)