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Flag of Bretton
Motto: We Kill For Peace
Capital Brettonia
Official Language(s) English, German, Russian
Leader "Fearless Leader"; Chancellor Gerhard Donner
Population 5,623,000,000
Currency Jion 
NS Sunset XML

Bretton is a cold, ancient nation, born through strife and fire. Its pale, stone-faced people might see the sun for two months out of the calendar year, but even still, they remain productive and pleasant to foreigners.


As a Fortress State, the government and military are nearly indistinguishable. While not quite homogenous yet, it is safe to assume that anyone in a governmental position is or was in the armed forces at some point. For the purposes of this article, this section will refer to the government based on functions carried out by civilian government in a western sense.

Head of State

Since the Glorious Revolution 167 years ago, the name of the army officer most often credited with being the lynchpin in the operation has been lost to history. To the modern Brettonian, he is simply referred to as "Fearless Leader." In earlier years, Fearless Leader had turned out to observe the yearly anniversary of the Glorious Revolution, which in Brettonian tradition, involved a massive parade of military hardware of all shapes and sizes through Brettonia's main thoroughfare. As the years went on, Fearless Leader continued to issue public edicts and made appearances, but they became progressively fewer in number. Fearless Leader has not made an appearance in many decades, and some speculate he may well no longer be among the living.

Enter the Chancellor. Originally no more than a speaker for Fearless Leader, as he began disappearing into the veil of secrecy, the Chancellor continued to become a more powerful position. In addition to being the governmental leader, the Chancellor is also the commander-in-chief of the armed forces. In the past, such dual-purpose leaderships have produced less-than-spectacular results. In the case of the Brettonian Chancellor, this has not yet come to pass, mostly on account of the fact that the Chancellor himself is a General first and a politician second.

The current occupant of the position, Chancellor Gerhard Donner, has ruled "as if the voice of Fearless Leader himself" and enjoys a staunch backing of the military. The population has always viewed their leaders with at least a modicum of skepticism, but nationalism remains a front-burner issue for most Brettonian citizens.