Forum Primus

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Forum Primus
Flag of Forum Primus
Motto: "The Free Market, the Free People"
Region The Silver Isles
Capital Argentium
Official Language(s) English, Latin
Leader Dominic Verogian
Currency The Forumite Credit 
NS Sunset XML


The Free Market Republic of Forum Primus is a relatively small nation both in overall land area and comparitive population. It was formed after the Great Separation of 1928 when the Verogianist movement, already spread across the world had tried and failed to take power in several countries. After the historic Battle of the Silver Isles, which was a very narrow defeat for the Verogianists, a treaty was drawn up by the League of Nations that would set aside an area where their movement could flourish, an attempt to save the world from another fervor of revolution. The Silver Isles, where the decisive battle of the failed revolution took place, was chosen to facilitate this role. Around the world, members of the movement were given free passage to the Islands, a place believed to be scarce in useful resources.

The Revolutionaries became Colonists and under the leadership of Frederick Verogian, the Free Market Republic of Forum Primus was set up. Forum Primus, a Latin name, translates to Main Market. Years of colonisation yielded surprising benefit to the Forumites. Previous evaluations of the Silver Isles prior to settlement had yielded no usable resources however, this report was found to be faulty with the discovery of high grade iron ore as well as large quantities of rubber, petroleum, coal and many other fossil fuels and industrial usables. This faciliated the economic boom of the 1930's, unusual considering the rest of the world suffered the effects of the Great Depression and an even greater boom during the 1940's when Japan, during war and during reconstruction proved a powerful market for Forumite goods.

From 1950's up until the present; Forum Primus, despite its profoundly economic globalist, ultra capitalist and very free economy entered a period of isolation due mainly in part to its percieved need to survive the massive growth in the antithesis of Verogianism, that antithesis Communism. In 2004, Forum Primus percieving a lack of aggression in Communist nations, retreated from its isolation and opened its markets to foreign trade as well as allowing its own industries to filter goods into foriegn markets.

Forum Primus is considering membership in the Human Rights Council set up by New Genoa but it has yet to join any other particular alliances. Under the leadership of the Great Grandson of Frederick Verogian, Dominic Verogian, Forum Primus is enjoying a third economic boom.