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Flag of Niploma
Motto: Democracy, Liberty, Peace, Social Rights and Freedom.
Region The Anumist Alliance
Capital Failegn
Official Language(s) English, Gaelic, Pali, German and Arabic.
Leader Niplomian Premier
Population 659 million
Currency SDRN Credit 
NS Sunset XML

Niploma is a thriving Liberal Democratic Demcoracy situated in the Anumist Alliance region. For over one hundred days it has represented the region in the UN Halls as a Delegate.

Niploma's population exceeds the 650,000,000 mark and continues to rise. It's peoples are fiercly patriotic on a whole and have due respect for their Premier and the Parliament he works with. The incredibly liberal Police Force - which is effectively non-exsitent - has little crime to deal with since nearly everything is legal, including all drugs. Niploma has no Army, Navy or Air Force.

In temrs of Economics Niploma is heading the region. It's GDP per Capita hovers at the $15,000 mark where as the regions average GDP per capita hovers at the $8000 mark. Niploma's average unemployment rate based upon two months of statistics is 5.81%. Since its creation Niploma has refused to spend any of its people's tax money on Defence. On the norm Niploma will spend most of its tax on the Enviroment, Administration, Education, Social Welfare and Healthcare. The average Niplomian pays 50-75% tax, naturally this figure is much higher for the very wealthy. An extra fact is that 0.5% of Niploma's Social Welfare budget is donated to international charities such as 'Medicines San Frontiers', 'Greenpeace' and 'Campaign for Nuclear Disarment'.

Niploma is a multi-cultural community which has long prided it's 'open border' stystem. It's religious numbers are so forth:

  • Buddhist: 36%
  • Atheist/Agnostic: 27%
  • Muslim: 16%
  • Christian: 15%
  • Hindu: 4%
  • Jew: 2%

Politics and government

Niplomians pride their democratic system and regard it a template for all nations to follow. It is recougnised as a four-tier system consisting of a Prime Minister who is Niploma's Head of State and also is the head of Niploma's ruling party. A 'Democratic House' which is Niploma's Lower House and there is the 'Niplomian Peoples Senate', the Upper House. Finally there are Councils regarding local matters.

Niploma holds a General Election at least once every five years. The electorate votes in through proportional representation in the General Election. To vote in the General Election you must have been out of prison - if indeed you ever have - for over three years and be over 16 years of age. Your creed, colour, religious beliefs or gender are of no importance in a General Election.

The electorate votes in a 'Democratic House' in a General Election. Subsequently, the leading party at the end of the General Election installs its leader as the Prime Minister - head of the Democratic House and State - straight away.

The Prime Minister has full authority over the state but cannot act in a Dictaorship manner unless 66% of the Democratic House support him. Any Bill passed in the Democratic House must be passed through a majority. The Prime Miniter also installs a Second Minister who is effectively a Deputy Prime Minister. If the Prime Minister steps down the Second Minister will fill in his role, as he would do if the Prime Minister was to pass away.

The 'Democratic House' is responsible for all of Niploma's national matters. It is the only house that can create and pass bills. The Democratic House seats 750 'Deputies'. Deputies are fully acountable for their people.

Political Parties

  • Socialist Internationalist Party (SIP) A Centre-Left party that has longed been glued to the Niplomian people. It fully supports further intergration with The Anumist Alliance but in a peaceful diplomatic manner. It has revolutionised Niploma by raising taxes from the pitiful levels they once stood at and has pushed these towards social and economical reform. SIP is a both economically and socially 'left wing', but has never too radical to be seen as extreme Liberalists or Communists. However, SIP has recieved significant criticism over it's lack of care for the Enviroment, an issue once strong in Niplomian politics, and it's level of administrative corruption. As of recent years it has fallen from grace, constantly losing votes, mostly from the young.
  • Libertarian Reform Party (LRP) A Centre-Right party that has been in opposition for several decades. It is economically right-wing party which favours military spending and the lower of taxation. It has long been victimised the lower classes due to it's 'flat tax' system that would harm the poor but favour the rich. LRP claims to be a reformist party due to being the largest Capitalist party. Interestingly LRF is socially liberal, this is a fact backed up by it's looseing of gun ownership laws, the help it gave in the 'Drug Reclassification Bill' - which effectively made every drug legal - and the long support it has had for Pro-Choice campaigners. LRP has long been a target of humour from critics due to it's constant second place spot in politics. Along with SIP, LRP has long avoided Enviromental matters and interestingly some of its Deputies have deffected to more enviromental parties. LRP has steadily received more votes, mostly due to how the party has made more and more people richer and this part of the electorate traditionally votes LRP.
  • Ecological Foundation Party (EFP) The only 'Green' party in Niplomian politics that is famous due to its rapidly inreasing number of votes, mostly from the 'radica' young. The EFP party started as a coalition from dissatified members of the Communist Workers Party, SIP and LRP. The Deputies joined together to found the Ecological Foundation. After five years of agreement (and disagreement with their own parties) they became a political party and sat together, away from their old peers. In the EFP political statement they claim that they are more than a one vision party. Although Enviromental issues are the core part of the party they seem to hold values not too dissimiliar to SIP. However, they demand that more and more businesses be regulated and that there should be no consideration for military spending, a point that has always caused it to be a ridicule to agressive members of the LRP.