Movimento Femminista Kofnariano

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The Movimento Femminista Kofnariano (Kofnar Feminist Movement, or MFK) was founded the January of 2006 by Isa Neri, just after the publishing of The Feminist Manifesto, book of the party.

The Ideologies

The meaning of Kofnarian Feminism is simple - women are better. Fantasticating on a vengeance for the domination of men during centuries, Isa Neri imagines a feminist utopy, in wich men are only objects or simply substituted by machines. The Kofnarian Feminism admit that the "Female Race" is more intelligent and sophisticated than the "Male Race", useful only for catch, a primitive practice. Symbol of the party is the apple. All the ideas of the Movement are writed in The Feminist Manifesto.

The Rise to the Power

From his foundation the party nourished an hate towards the Emperor. In March it was annoverating more than 40.000.000 of members (c.a. 45% of the population). In May 20 2006, at 7.30 a.m., its troops killed the Emperor Riccardo II and Isa Neri becomed Emperor of Kofnar.