The land of Nonsense

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The land of Nonsense
Forum: None
Population: 10 nations
Delegate: The Isle of Dukia
Founder: The Skankin Penguins
Info: NSEconomy RC XML

Created by the Skankin Penguins- the land of nonsense is (some description that i cant think of)


UN LEADER- The Isle of Duckia

the_isle_of_duckia.jpgThe Isle of Dukia

CREATOR- The Skankin Penguins

the_skankin_penguins.jpgThe Skankin Penguins

  • A country of penguins, who enjoy to listen to Ska music. Within the World Leaders of Nonsense, this country is located in Southern Africa, as for Nation States the map is in progress. We are allied with the Mideval Tin foil army in our ever increasing war against the Polar Bears.



Kholem is a very large, barren and inhospitable region set in the Northern Sini Desert in the Land of Nonsense. There are very large cities located about the desert and mountains, with long stretches of sand and rock inbetween. Far north along the coast there is noticable vegitation with farmland (made possible with extensive irrigation). The Democratic Socialist government is making its presence in the region known, though they are not known to be an overly violent or overly peaceful nation. They regularily support the UN in domestic and military aid.

Kholem is a relatively young country, only existing for the last 23 years. They used to be a part of The Dominion of Caviar Eaters, but sucessfuly broke away (some believe that the Caviar Eaters didn't fully try to maintain control over the desert region, as they found the area unimportant). After a long and brutal war, a democratic government was set up hours after the fighting was officialy over and it has been stable ever since. The Armed Republic of Conthoria saw sympathy for the Kholi people, declaring their own country free only nine years before. Together the two nations drove out the Caviar Eaters. After the war, the military has constantly researched and strengthend their ground troops and amored vehicles, heavily influenced by thier Conthorian allies, making a largely effective ground-based military. Their air power leaves something to be desired, only buying a few stolen F-16s from Conthoria, however they field many small destroyers, submarines, and a few battleships.

Kholem has prospered from a long alliance with the Amred Republic of Conthoria and has been accepted into the United Nations a few years after the country was created. The United Socialist States of The SKankin Penguins have also been on very friendly terms and the Kholi have taking a liking to the island nation, The Republic of The Isle of Duckia. The leaders of Kholem have been lifelong friends with the leader of The Allied States of Ryanland and Korealand, and also enjoying an alliance with them as well.

The official language of Kholem is Russian, but English is manditorily taught in school, and many citizens are trilingual, also learning Hebrew as Judaism is the state religion, although there us a very fine line drawn between Temple and State, making sure neither influences the other. The majority of the government ran is liberal, but definately not extremely learning to one side. The bulk of the country's population is from immigration, so the ethnic majority makes up only 24% of the country's population.

After graduating from their fourteenth year of school, starting at age four, all citizens, men and women, are required to serve a minimum of one year military service. After the year is up they may stay in service, or return to graduate on to a university.

Caviar Eaters

caviar_eaters.jpgCaviar Eaters

Ed Fantastic

ed_fantastic.jpgEd Fantastic

Crazy Friggin Monkeys

seychelles--52.jpgCrazy Friggin Monkeys

Ryanland and Korealand

ryanland_and_korealand.jpgRyanland and Korealand






Wanna know your rank compared to others heres the ranks in order from least to greatest: ~Minnow~Vassal~Contender~Dealmaker~Duckspeaker~Handshaker ~Negotiator~Instigator ~Enforcer~Eminence grise~Ambassador~Power~Powerbroker ~Superpower



To be created

The Isle of Duckia

the_isle_of_duckia.jpg To be Created

The Skankin Penguins

the_skankin_penguins.jpg Political Physical


kholem.jpg Physical

Caviar Eaters

caviar_eaters.jpg To Be Created

Ed Fantastic

ed_fantastic.jpg To Be Created

Crazy Friggin Monkeys

seychelles--52.jpg To Be Created

Ryanland and Korealand

ryanland_and_korealand.jpg To Be Created


russia.jpg To Be Created


masuabie.jpg To Be Created