Intercontinental Ferry

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The Intercontinental Ferry is a ferry service that links the South-East Heartland continents of Probitas and Nous. The service operates across Temperance Sound between Sant Iago in Laudo Deo and The Red City in the independent Spaamanian territory of (Spaamanian) Plijous. Departing from both cities three times daily, 365 days per year, it offers a cheap alternative to flying between the two contintents.



Intercontinental Ferry route

The route is approximately 420 nautical miles (780 kilometres), taking an almost straight path across Temperance Sound between The Red City International Port and Sant Iago harbour. Travelling at an average speed of 50 knots (90 kilometres per hour), the trip is usually accomplished in under 9 hours, though delays of up to a couple of hours due to bad weather is not unheard of.


