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Flag of Tsrill
Motto: "Aliens are humans, too!"
Region The South Pacific
Capital Tsrillion
Official Language(s) Tsrillik
Leader me
Population just over 6 billion
Currency Tsosh 
NS Sunset XML

Tsrill - The Person

The person behind Tsrill joined the NationStates game in oktober 2003 from a link in the micronations community. The nation was placed in The South Pacific region, and he stayed in that region since. After a year of standing on the sideline and taking mostly part in the off-topic section of the off-site forums of The South Pacific, he became more involved in the government, first as Ambassador and half a year later as Undersecretary of Justice under Slackervania. In oktober 2004, after Slackervania stepped down, he ran for Secretary of Justice and got elected into the position. In that position, and later as Secretary (now minister) of the Region, he was one of the driving forces behind law reforms in the region. Tsrill set up the regional newspaper SPOT (South Pacific Off-site Times) and took over from Myrulesia (aka King J) the running of the regional soccer simulation leage SPFA (South Pacific Football Association)

Tsrill - The Nation

Tsrill is a nation with a tropical climate, famous for its chameleon population, which is also the national animal. The flag consists of a blue background fading into a white central circle. Within this circle is a golden sun surrounded by a halo. This symbolizes the importance of the cleanness of the environment to the Tsrillik; against popular belief, the halo (rainbow) in the flag is not a gay symbol. The once-used motto "Arcus te Reducat" (may the rainbow guide you home) meant that you should let nature help you to find your true self, or something like that. The leaders of Tsrill remain silent about the meaning of the current national motto "Aliens are humans, too".

In the course of its existance, the nation had the following names:

- The Dominion of Tsrill

- The Rainbow State of Tsrill

- The Tropical Greenhouse of Tsrill

- The Unpronounceable Lands of Tsrill

- The Thrill of Tsrill