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Flag of Thingamabobbers
Motto: All mountains can be scaled.
Region Thorin
Capital New Thokran
Official Language(s) Modern Du-Hickazn
Population {{{population}}}
Currency Vuttsit 
NS Sunset XML


After the revolution that led to the creation of the government of Thingamajiggers and the fall of Thingamajigs, the Peace Treaty of the Misca Mountains was signed. As a result of the treaty, the remnants of the former government of Thingamajigs moved to a peninsula region east of the Misca Mountain Range, a small, backwards area populated by loyalists. Here, the government established the Empire of Thingamabobbers, with the intent of one day returning to the land they once held. They never suceeded, as the new country was rather unstable.

Thingamabobbers, an authoritarian government, was ruled by a dictator known as the Jingh. The title of "Jingh" was a holdover from the Thingamajigsan government, which was named for the ancient Thingan word for "ruler". The name Jingh also referred to the particular regime, not just the "Jingh" himself.

For the most part, Thingamabobbers was too busy trying to manage its own affairs to affect the region of Thorin very much, but the actions of one man led to events that would shape the history of the entire region. From 497 to 712 AF, the people of Xerconia faced serious economic depression. Lasting almost two centuries, the economy of Xerconia was shut down, and the land was in literal anarchy. Even after the good feeling the end of their Cold War with Thingamajiggers invoked, Xerconians had lost their patience with the oppressive government, and as such all control was lost. It was to remain this way until 683, when a rogue Thingamabobber named Koraneln El Imrail came to Xerconia and started a makeshift nation, the Holy Empire of Pejite. Radicalist, racialist, extremist, are only a few words used to describe the Holy Empire of Pejite. Not adequate enough to be called its own nation, it was merely Xerconia rebuilt into a highly xenophobic and radicalistic people. With the government oppressing far more than ever before upon the people, the people of Xerconia were endlessly upset. In the year 733 AF, a man by the name of Crezth C. Hand started a secret underground movement called The Xerconian Liberation Front. As time went on, the XLF finally found a chance to strike and claim freedom for Xerconians. This was the beginning of Kruschuchk, the communist super-power that would come to be one the largest shapers of the events to come.

By 672 AF, the Empire of Thingamabobbers was in pretty sorry shape. The economy had been on decline for years. The government became increasingly distant from the lives of the citizens, not due to taking a hands off approach (the government was as totalitarian as it had been from the start), but rather due to mere apathy towards the needs of the people. The government could not collect taxes as it had heavily in previous years, as the people were starving. What little money they had left their pockets before it could ever reach the records office. Worst of all, the Thingamabobban goal, the eventual reclaiming of the lush land of Thingamajiggers, was dead. Thingamajiggers was flourishing. It had its problems, especially, but it was a regional power, its people were content, and the Thinga-Xerconian Cold War was a distant memory. Meanwhile, Thingamabobbers was as described above. There was no hope of victory. Also, not only had the hope died, but with it so had all passion for the undertaking. No one had an interest in fulfilling a centuries-old vendetta.

It was thus that, in 672, the Empire of Thingamabobbers finally dissolved officially. In 673, the land was re-absorbed into Thingamajiggers as a new province, named Makh Allet (Du-Hickazn for "Mountains of Struggle") after the name of the portion of the Misca Mountains that formed the border between Thingamabobbers and Thingamajiggers. Thus began a healing process, as Thingamajiggeri volunteers and government officials came to the aid of the former Thingamabobberi.


However, centuries of hatred between Thingamajiggers and Thingamabobbers could not be erased simply by a change in ownership of land. The country split off once more in 747 as Makh Allet. This, too, would fall in 773. After the actions of a few terrorists from the remains of Makh Allet nearly destroyed the Thingamajiggeri government and started a regional war, the peninsula's population was bombed out of existence by the theocratic government of Arbitenitant, declaring terrorism to be "an affront to the gods".



This flag, done in the red and black of the former Thingamajigs government, was designed to represent a mountain turned onto its side. This was because, at the time of the creation of the flag, Thingamabobbers's main goal was to one day break past the physical boundary of the Misca Mountains/Makh Allet and restore the Rogue Nation of Thingamajigs. It was kept until the very end of the government, even though the government eventually lost sight of its goal to recapture Thingamajiggers, as it was too busy focussing on its own problems.


The name Thinga is the name of the people who inherit the region that makes up Thingamajiggers. The name is derived from the ancient Thingan tribe.

The name Thingamajigs was derived from the ancient Thingan language, although the people at the time of founding were already speaking an early form of Du-Hickazn. Translated to English, it means "The land of the Thingan people", with "Ma" meaning land and "jigs" meaning people (Thingan had some very weird syntaxes when it came to titles).

Thingamabobbers is a modification of the theme. It is ancient Thingan for "The land of the true Thinga rulers", with "bob" meaning "rulers" and "bers" meaning "true".