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Flag of Havvy
Motto: Difference between Democracy and Liberty? Everything!
No Map Available
Region Sicily
Capital Havaco
Official Language(s) English
Population 378 Million
Currency Zomania 
NS Sunset XML

Nation's History

The Nation of Havvy started out with an unknown Dictator who, when passed away, turned the nation into a Democratic nation. After about six years of being a democratic nation, a plot was made to turn it back into a Dictatorship.
The Plot, performed by Jerry Sophone and his Militia persuaded the military to join with him and together they couped the second president of Havvy halfway through his presidency. Today, he currently resides in a mansion on a volcanic island getting a royal treat.
After the president was couped, Jerry Sophone took office as leader of his country. He eliminated all of the government organizations made by the past dictator and presidents. On his first day in office, he decided that having a UN Ambassador would be very helpful. He choose what he thought was a "...very useful Ambassador.". Unfortunately though, he was more of a hindrance during his first meeting of the UN he joined.

UN Involvement

On Jerry Sophone's first day in office, he picked a friend to be UN Ambassador named Dr. Sizofren. Dr. Sizofren wasn't as helpful as Jerry Sophone had hoped for. Instead, he burned the grass surrounding the UN leaving UN Building Management with no choice but to put Havvy on the now repealed, WHL. Reports say that it was changed to "The nation pristine beaches of Havvy.
Dr. Sizofren saw his first ever defenestration happen to some random ambassador, and decided to make this landing less painful. He put foam all around the UN Building so that people wouldn't feel so much pain. The UN Building Mgmt picked up the foam, and Dr. Sizofren without knowing this, jumped from the building and thought that he 'narrowly missed' the foam. When he regained consciousness, he burned the 'foam', except there wasn't any foam. He was delirious and burned the grass down instead. UN Building Mgmt put the nation of Havvy on the WHL.
The nation of Havvy has voted 'for' 4 repeals and 1 Resolution. They have not voted against anything yet. There was one case of abstaining during the Mutual Recognition of Borders vote. Back in the early stages of Havvy (when the first Dictator was in office), they tried to write a repeal for a poorly written resolution about Stem Cells.

Regional Politics

The Nation of Havvy moved to Sicily when it heard that it was a place of 'paradise'. Havvy made itself known very quickly, and posts 2 to 3 things on the Regional Message Board per day (usually in a row with an hour or two in between each one).
The first thing Havvy did, was try to figure out who was in power. It was hard, because nobody was really in power. It was just a small branch off Lone Wolves United. That didn't last long though, and only after 3 months after Havvy stopped contact, the nation got a message from LWU. Sicily turned into a free state for the most part and now it still is.
At that time, the regional founder, Poggioreale came back from the dead, and took back control. In a meeting with Poggioreale, the leader of Havvy, Jerry Sophone became Chief Officer of Operations, and the leader of LWU, a nation known as 'Evil Wolf' redeclared Sicily as an ally and a military branch. He has had many more meetings since than, and even has guests to the meetings. One meeting though, was all about a map, an a simple argument over where 'Sicily' is.


Here are a few laws that were made by various leaders. Well, only one leader, but there will hopefully be more in the future after Jerry Sophone Dies.

Jerry Sophrone's Laws

City Travel Act of H.71

Reason For Bill: This bill was passed after he noticed that many people died in traffic accidents when they were around narrow and one way streets that are filled with pedestrians. It was also to make car emmisions lower, and have people walk more.

Text of Bill: Any street that is more than two lanes wide on each side and has many pedestrians crammed on the sidewalk between the hours of 5 a.m. to 6 a.m., 11 a.m. to 1 p.m, and 5 p.m. to 6 p.m shall be henceforth closed to all large sized vehicles and vehicles without stability control.

A police officer will be placed at each end of the street along with another one patrolling the sidewalk.

A median will be built in the center, and the lane next to each sidewalk shall be taken out and replaced with brick minus the area for each median. Also, at every 200 meters between stoplights there shall be another stoplight that only pedestrians can turn red so that they can cross the street. There shall also be a crosswalk there.

Effects: *Before & After Pictures shall be laters* Women don't wear heels when going to work, and instead carry them in there purse, truck sales and Hummer sales drops 20%, and people have started walking to their jobs. A massive rebuilding of streets in Havvy is going on, and people like the new streets they pass by. Small Crimes in big cities has dropped 40%, but people are afraid to cross the street half the time.


Some things that don't really deserve there own categorey.

Havian Years

(H.49 Aug. 21st is an example of a Havian year;) There are two dating systems in Havvy. Not only does the nation of Havvy follow the BC/AD time system, but it also has the H. system for any laws passed involving the nation of Havvy. It was decided that the first date of H. would be January 1st, during the year Havvy formed (even though it didn't form on January 1st) and each year is equivilant to one earth year. This would make it so that the timeline of Havvy would be easy to understand. The latest known facts about Havvy occured during this time: H.71 Oct. 1st