The Daes Dae-Mar

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Revision as of 22:18, 8 April 2007 by KingRandor (Talk | contribs)

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The Principality of the Daes Dae-Mar
National Flag
National motto: "Hill of the Golden Dawn."
Official languages Cairhienen
Leader N/A
Capital Cairhien Corporate Headquarters
Largest city Corporation City
Government Corporations
UN Status N/A
Population ~8 million as of 4/8/07
GDP (nominal)
 - Total
 - Per capita

122,799,093,637.50 Marks
15,349.89 Marks
 - Total
 - Per capita

Establishment April 4, 2007
Constitution ratified N/A
Major Religions Money
Cairhienen Mark
= $ 0.7459


The Cairhienen Corporation was the largest corporation in Eternia, and remains so, before the break away countries formed. The Cairhienen Corporation decided that it was powerful enough to deserve independence. The Cairhienen Corporation gathered four other corporations and founded a new nation, the Daes Dae-Mar, "The Game of Houses" in the old tongue, which represents the power struggle between those corporations.


The Daes Dae-Mar is a corporation's heaven. The Corporations not only have free reign in the nation, they are the nation itself. There is no government to limit the actions of the corporations, giving the nation a very strong economy.

Law Enforcement

Law enforcement is handled solely by the corporations, and they tend to turn a blind eye to things that don't concern their profits.


The military is sponsored and maintained by the corporations. It is estimated that the military budget is ~1.8 billion Cairhienen Marks.

Below are merely UN estimates of their forces divided by branches:

Cairhienen Army (CA)

  • 25% of budget, ~450 million Cairhienen Marks
  • 300,000 very well trained men armed with:
    • CG-A1 Gauss assault rifle
    • Kevlar body armor
    • CG-P1 pistol sidearm
  • 500 T-62A Tanks
  • 50 ZPU-4s
  • 5 SA-2s
  • 50,000 CP-40T transports for infantry movement and supply
  • 500 CH-10 Heavy Lifter Helicopters for tank transport and supply
  • 50 CP-40A AWACS planes

Cairhienen Special Forces Division (CSFD)

  • 10% of budget, ~180 million Cairhienen Marks
  • 50 extraordinarily well trained teams of 4 men each armed with:
    • CG-A1C Gauss carbine, except sniper
    • Kevlar body armor with ceramic inserts
    • CG-P1 pistol sidearm
    • Equipment for each specialist on the team
      • Commander: Trained to use the equipment of any of the specialists in case they become incapacitated.
      • Sniper: CG-R1S sniper rifle and barrel extender
      • Explosives: various explosives including high yield CE-7 compound, thermite, and various grenades
      • Communications: Special issue squad comm gear along with special codes for encrypted telephone usage and various hacker equipment
  • 100 CP-40T transport for para-dropping or simply transporting teams

Cairhienen Air Fighter Force (CAFF)

  • 30% of budget, ~540 million Cairhienen Marks
  • 2 squadrons of 12 F-4S Phantom IIs each (24 total)
  • 18 more squadrons of 12 CF-10s each (216 total, 3 wings)
  • 8 Xian H-6U aerial tankers to extend the range/endurance of the fighters
  • Production lines for the CF-10

Cairhienen Air Bomber Command (CABC)

  • 35% of budget, ~630 million Cairhienen Marks
  • 20 CB-10 Heavy Bombers
  • 72 CA-10+ intrusion/close air support bombers
  • 10 CP-40A AWACS planes
  • 50 CP-40W Wild Weasel ECM plane
  • Production lines for the CB-10 heavy bomber for high altitude carpet bombings and or nuclear/chemical strikes and the CA-10(+) for close air support and high speed, low altitude intrusion bombing
  • It is also rumored that they are in possession of 5 nuclear warheads, and 15 cluster bombs of cyanogen chloride.

External links

NS fact sheet