Shadow Roman Empire

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Welcome to the Shadow Roman Empire

World Factbook Entry: Founded on the bases of recovered tombs of ancient Earth, the Shadow Roman Empire offers a rebirth of old Empires but in a new and darker realm. That and the belief of we know best!!!
Glory for the Empire!.. Glory for the Emperor!

Shadow Roman Empire
Flag of Shadow Roman Empire
Motto: For the Emperor
No Map Available
Region Shadow Roman Empire
Capital Coruscant
Official Language(s) English, Latin
Leader Emperor Marx Thrawn
Population 20,000,000 from the

three main nations of the Empire

Currency The Golden Eagle 
NS Sunset XML

History of the Shadow Roman Empire
The Holy Empire of Imperial Pax Romanum is the main founder nation of the Shadow Roman Empire located in what was once ancient swampland with steep mountains to its western borders. Originally the nation was a scattered collection of villages that did not have any real borders. Eventually these villages expanded until they were massive sprawling city-states of several hundred thousand people contained within the walls of each of the cities. Even though they were powerful in their own rite no one city held dominance over its neighbour and this actually lead to several 'city wars' until eventually the future capital of the nation the City State called Amarixa and its ruling senate proposed a alliance with three of its neighbouring smaller cities to begin a Crusade to forge together a powerful nation under one rule by one city. The Pax Imperial Unification Wars as they would come to be known as were a brutal affair but eventually the nation of Imperial Pax Romanum was forged. From the dusty achieves of ancient histories in a small village that was absorbed into the nation in the final years of the Crusade was found a tomb that told of ancient times millennia ago when a magnificent Empire known as Rome all but ruled the known world. From this tomb a new ideology was born, one that meant total dominance and the rebirth of this ancient Empire but it would be known as the Shadow Roman Empire in reference to the newer Roman Empire being born in the shadows of the old. The first target of Imperial Pax Romanum was the smaller nations to its northern and western borders. Within a few decades these nations had been broken and were named as Protectorates of Imperial Pax Romanum and the Shadow Roman Empire its self. These states would henceforth be known as Romanum Black Templars and Romanum Knights. Although there were three nations now within the borders of the Shadow Roman Empire they were not great enough to launch any further attacks out with their own borders and as such the original ruling body of the senate decreed that a period of consolidation would be the way forward. During the following years of isolation the three nations developed at an astonishing rate developing marvels in technology and advancing far beyond what would or could have been accomplished alone. However a massive upheaval occurred that rocked the Empire to its foundations and lead to a dark age of civil war. It took many years until the wars ended but from the ashes a new ruling body was born and its leader would eventually be crowned Emperor of the Shadow Roman Empire. The first Emperor is now revered as an almost God like being by some elements of the empire, in particular those of the Romanum Black Templars region and he was known as Trax Vangar. Under his rule the nations began a massive rebuilding scheme that integrated even more wonders in technological advances that had come about from the civil wars age. At the same time he also began the building of a grand army that would serve as the main army for the Empire and were drawn from all three-member nations with each supplying specialised units to bolster this new army. It has been many many years since the crowing of the first Emperor but there has never once been any further civil wars fought within the border of the Shadow Roman Empire which has now set its sights on once again launching a new Crusade under the leadership of the present Emperor Marx Thrawn.

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The Family Battle Standard of the House of Thrawn.
The standrad bears the family motto "Victoy through strength"

The Emperor
The initial founding of the Shadow Roman Empire was ruled over be a body of individuals known as the senate. This ruling body soon found its self unable to control the vastly growing regions of the Empire and rather than focus on stabilizing the Empire and its economy they simply debated and squabbled over their own personal goals with no real thought for the greater good. Eventually these squabbling senators actually triggered outright civil war within the Empire, a war that would rage for years and almost destroy the three core nations of the Shadow Roman Empire. These wars were finally stopped when a powerful and brilliant General lead a huge army in a second Unification crusade that culminated in the Senate eventually being disbanded and having himself crowned Emperor. This first Emperor was known as Marcus Thorn. Thorn founded a dynasty of future Emperors until eventually the bloodline was shattered and replaced by a new one from the Thrawn Bloodline which to present remains the main ruling family of the Empire. All citizens within the Shadow Roman Empire must swear fealty to the Empeor and as such his power and authority are all but absolute within the Empire. It should be noted however that their is a council of advisers that aid the Empeor in the day to day business of the empire from economy to matters of war and defence; they are known simply as the Council.