Cobdenian UN Compliance

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Cobdenia, although a member of the UN and active within the General Assembly, does have some issues with compliance, be it due to to the fact they cannot comply to the original spirit of the resolution due to the slight time warp problem, or because they don't want to comply with the spirit of certain legislation because it's rubbish or otherwise detrimental to the Cobdenian economy.

Below is the list of resolutions which Cobdenia does not truly enforce or adhere to in either spriti or wordin or both, and those which are irrelevent to Cobdenian legislation, and their compliance status:

4. UN Taxation Ban: Irrelevent to Cobdenia, as it deals with only international law restrictions

7. Sexual Freedom: Implementation delayed by House of Advisors; due to the fact they cannot in good faith permit people to do whatever they like just because both consent to the activity. Such as the manufactur of weapons.

24. Metric System Unenforced, due to the fact the metric system inferior to other measurements in some fields, such as astronomy and naval and air navigation.

25. Child Protection Act: Compliance in wording but not spirit as Cobdenia permits the use of corporal punishments in schools

26. Universal Bill of Rights: Compliance in spirit but, but perhaps techically not in wording, as in the Cobdenia judicial system, there are three possible verdicts: not guilty, guilty and not proved, with the barristers attempting to proove one way or the other. If there is reasonble doubt of either, the verdict should be given as not proved, and thus one is "not proved until proven innocent or guilty". However, in effect not prooved and not guilty are the same.

32: Global AIDS Initiative: Irrelevent to Cobdenia, as Cobdenia does not have AIDS yet

39: Altenative Fuels: Compliance in wording but not spirit. Oil is slowly beginning to supplant coal as the main fuel source in Cobdenia, thus all reseacrh is to new types of oil based fuels.

47. Definition of Fair Trial: (see resolution 26)

50. United Nations Space Consortium: Irrelevent to Cobdenia, Cobden does not even have reliable aeroplanes let alone space rockets

52. Ballast Water: Legal Non-Compliance due to Optionality; Cobdenia has no idea what deoxification equiptment or UV steralizers are.

55. World Blood Bank: Unable to comply, as we do not possess the technology to stroe blood in banks or keep blood outside of the body

56. Bio Rights Declaration: Irrelevent to Cobdenia, as we have no clones or genetically engineered lifeforms

64. Tracking Near Eart Objects: Legal non-compliance due to optionality, Cobdenia does not have the technology to do this

71. Sustainable Energy Sources: Unable to comply, Cobdenia does not have the technology for non-fossil fuel energy sources

72. Reduction of Green House Gases: Unable to comply, as we do not have the technology for non-fossil fuel energy sources

75. The Nuclear Terrorism Act Irrelevent, as we do not have the technology for nuclear weapons and cannot import them

82. Stem Cell Research Funding Legal non-compliance due to optionality, as we don't have the technology

84. NS HIV AIDS Act Irrelevent to Cobdenia, we don't have HIV or AIDS

89. Rights of Indigenous Peoples Enforcement delayed until the cessation of ongoing hostilities. If the Fraganoo's culture didn't involve sporadic blood fueds, kidnapping children and marrying them, and attempting to wipe out the 12 Infantry Brigade, then Cobdenia would be in compliance

96. UNWODC Unable to comply, as Cobdenia does not possess the technology to store organs or otherwise perform transplants

131. IT Education Act Unable to comply, as Cobdenia has only one computer. It is mechanical, and tells people cookie recipes.

172. Help Prevent Ozone Depletion Unable to comply, as there are no alternatives to CFC's at this moment in time in Cobdenia

174. Orbital Space Safety Act Irrelevent to Cobdenia, as we have nothing in space