Damned PoPer

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The Commonwealth of
Damned PoPer
Flag of Damned PoPer
National motto: "Mostly harmless"
National anthem: "tlhan, ruStay, yej"
(Liberty, Brotherhood, Alliance)
See map below
Region A Real European Society (ARES)
Capital Maroon Bay
Largest City Maroon Bay
Population >250 million
Suffrage All (at and above 18)
Official Language(s) English (official language)
Klingon (former language,
commonly spoken)
Head of State:
Head of Gouvernment:
Parliamentary Democracy
Fleet Admiral Dr.h.c. Bey Toni Miccolo
Chief Minister LL.D. Robin Wolf
Northern Alliance
Perac'q peace treaty
Damned PoPer Alliance

23 May 1901
1 June 1982
1 June 2007
ISO Nation Code ESDP
Currency Towel (Ť) (TOW)
Time Zone Central Time (DPCT) UTC+6
• Summer (DST) DPCT+1 = UTC+7
Internet TLD .pop
Calling Code +1342
National Symbols
 • Sport
 • Animal
 • Fruit
 • Flower

Tarq hunting
UN Status UN Member
Info: NationStates NSEconomy Pipian NS Tracker XML

The Commonwealth of Damned PoPer (or Damned PoPer) is a country in Region A real european society (ARES). It's bordered on the north by (info comeing up).

Damned PoPer is a parliamentary federal democracy of three states ("vengmey"). The capital city and seat of the gouvernment is Maroon Bay. The state arose from a fromer Alliance of the then independant three member states at it's 25th anniversary.


Damned PoPerian tribes (100-1200)

The origin of the three main Damned PoPerian tribes is disputed amongst historians. Whereas many honored academics believe, that Damned PoPers ancestors came from two different regions, one of them located on the continent in the East and one of them located overseas, recent discoverys of leading archaeologist Dr. arch. Lara Croft of Deadlights City University (DCU) raise doubts about this thesis. Although Dr. Croft and her team haven't submitted a report by now, the DCU already reported on several evidence suggesting a common root of all three Damned PoPerian tribes.

Independent of the controversy about common roots of the three tribes, it's generally acknowledged that three tribes ruled over todays Damned PoPer. The northeast territory was occupied by the Omiez'u tribe, the northwest including the Scallywag Mountains was claimed by the Per'ia tribe and the southern territory including the Maroon Bay was dominated by the Peryc'q tribe. In spite of their different cultures, they had a lot in common. Each tribe was more or less strictly organized patriarchal, having a Bey (cp. chief) as leader and a council of eldest as his advisors. They all were nomadic and peaceful tribes, respecting their environment and living in peace with their neighbours.

The difference between the tribes appered on their gaining of food and their favoured mount. The Perac'q took advantage of the Maroon Bay. The main food were fishes, shrimps and octopi, which were either grilled or eaten uncooked. Due to the deep sand all around Maroon Bay and the high grass within their territory the horse was their favourite mount. The Per'ia tribe, which hadn't access to the sea or any sizable rivers, mainly lived on eggs from birds living in the mountain regions and on fungi. Most Per'ia were vegetarians, but some of them ate the fowl of eagles or other birds. Due to the cliffy and tight pathes throughout the Scallywag Mountains their favourite mount was the nowadays imbruted Tarq. The Omiez'u tribe established their food supply on the various wild animals in Damned PoPers northeast territory instead. Most likely they hunted buffalos and pigs as well as smaller animals like coyote or wolves. Because of the big distances and the frequent hunts, they needed a mount with excellent stamina and speed. The reindeer served for this purpose very well.

The Dark Age (1200-1702)

Around AD 1200 the three by then normadic tribes developed agriculture and began to settle down. This way of life led to an escalating population. Therefore all three tribes explored areas around their former territory and colonized it. Concomitant with these expansions the tribes became more and more jingoistic, presumably because the population grew very fast and extensions to outlying areas weren't possible due to the Scallywag Mountains in the North and West, the Maroon Bay and the Atlantic Ocean in the South and the Patarero rocky desert in the East. So the three tribes fought a lot of battles for places to build settlements and use for agriculture. The campaigns were often very cruel and lasted over more than a week as all tribes had enough replenishment of both, soldiers and weappons. Sporadic attempts of diplomatic liaison have been made, but most envoys were killed or imprisoned. This time is mostly reffered to as the "Dark Age".

Nothern Alliance (1702-1712)

The extensive wars finally came to an end with the first peace treaty between the two tribes Omiez'u and Per'ia. Till today it's unknown, what event led to this surprising event, but both leaders got together on disputed territory and confered. Although it's not traditioned, the legend has it that their meeting lastet more than a month. This extreme length is questioned by many historics, because there still was a war going on with the Perac'q tribe in the South. However they divvied the disputed territorys up and agreed to a peace treaty.

Ten years later in 1712 the peace treaty advanced to the Northern Alliance, which was for military purpose only. With uniting their powers, the Omiez'u and Per'ia tribes fastly cutted down any confrontation within Damned PoPer, because the Perac'q tribe didn't have enough power to fight on two fronts. Today the Northern Alliance often is romanticized as developeing and peacekeeping force of Damned PoPers history. But most historicans stress, that this peace was enforced by united combat strength and oppressed the southern tribe of Perac'q.

Different Developement (1712-1886)

After all battles had come to rest, the Northern Alliance and the Perac'q tribe developed side by side, but different in some main aspects. Whereas the Northern Alliance grew together more and more, establishing trade and economic unions, dealing with their problems of trading with nations outside Damned PoPer, the Perac'q tribe delt with oversea nations primarily, thus accumulating wealth.

As the economic developement was pretty similar - at least in the effort to gain a efficent commerce and therefore wealth - the political developement was much more different. The two tribes of the Northern Alliance both developed into a parliamentary monarchy by-and-by. The first step was an elected council of eldest, voting rights were granted to every tribe member above the age of 25. Those elections took place nearly simultaneously in Omiez'u (1762) and Peri'a (1763) and from the Omiez'u historian Ke'reths point of view the voter participation was "such huge, that the Bey's writers hardly kept track of the sheer amount of voters". Even though it is sometimes questioned, this quote may very well be true, because there was just one polling station in Omiez'u. By then the council of eldest still was an adivisory board only, but over the years it gained more rights and developed into a modern parliament. In 1812 the legislative power was vested in the Per'ia council of eldest fully; Omiez'u followed this progression in 1817. At last the jurisdiction was sourced out to ordinary courts and the executive power was split between the Bey and the Gouvernment lead by the Chief Minister and elected by the court of eldest in both nations of the Northern Alliance by the "Agreement on democratic developement" (NADDA) in 1876.

The tribe of Perac'q however developed into a dictatorship lead by mostly benevolent Beys. It's unknown when the council of eldest was abolished, but with 1771 it has disappeared. The Bey was granted all legislativ, executiv and jurisdictional power, which he delegated to several Aghas of his choise. In 1805 Bey Mulah Wilkinson appointed himself Fleet Admiral of the Perac'q navy and therefore commander-in-chief of all armed forces. He then reffered to himself as "His Imperial Majesty (H.I.M.) Fleet Admiral Bey Mulah Wilkinson". His successors maintained the title even though many of them did not command the armed forces. Except from this Bey Mulah Wilkinson is famous for his "Decree about official language", which enacted English as the official language in Perac'q. Historics assume that this decision was meant to ease the lively trade with overseas nations.

Revolution of Perac'q (1886-1888)

In 1886 Fleet Admiral Bey James Morgan of Perac'q was killed by an mysterious accident at Maroon Bay harbour at the age of 28. Because there was neither a cild or a wife nor any other relatives as brothers or sisters, the succession of the throne was unclear. A large group of Perac'q inhabitants calling themselves "Perac'q Democratic Movement" (PDM) took advantage of this fact and instigated a revolution. Many loyal aristocratic, especially the Aghas, defended the throne against the PDM and their follower, presumably hoping for the Bey throne themselves and so the revolution grew up to a violent insurrection, taking its toll of several lifes. The revolution offically ended with the declaration of the new "Constitution of Perac'q", establishing the state of Perac'q as a parliamentary democracy modeled on the Northern Alliance NADDA except from the position of Bey, which remained vacant in memory of the revolution.

Cold war (1888-1901)

Even though the new republic of Perec'q was modeled on the Northern Alliance states, the new leaders used the fact, that both still had the title of Bey given from father to son, to construct a concept of the enemy. They argued, that the same violent uprisings were possible in Omiez'u and Per'ia and that they had to safeguard Perec'q against overlapping of fights. Therefore they set up a large standing army, patroling the borders in addition to the well equipped navy founded in 1782. But the Northern Alliance responded to those actions correspondingly by accelerating military resarch and raising intelligence budget. Even though the conflict never broke out, probably many lives were lost during intelligence operations of both sites. The race of technologies hit its peak, when Lieutenant Commander Terry Simpson as first Damned PoPerian flew around the world in less than one day.

The cold war finally ended with the joint signature of the so-called "Perac'q peace treaty" between the republic of Perac'q and the North Alliance member nations Omiez'u and Per'ia on 23 May 1901.

Damned PoPer Alliance (1982-2007)

It took another 81 years of coexistance, before the governments of the three nations agreed into further liaison. On 1 June 1982 Omiez'u, Per'ia and Perac'q united their forces through the "Damned PoPer Economic Alliance" (DPEA) for collaboration in economic issues. Later on the DPEA became more and more important and delt with political issues as well. Therefore the E (for economic) was dropped and the Alliance furtheron was named DPA.

On 1 June 2007 - the 25th anniversary of DP(E)A - the three member states united and founded the Commonwealth of Damned PoPer (whereas PoP stands for Perac'q, Omiez'u and Per'ia) as federal republic with an parliamentary democracy. Elements of both systems were accommodated into the new constitution called "Charter about organization of the Commonwealth", today mostly referred to as "The Charter".


Damned PoPer is a federal, parliamentary, representative democratic republic. The Damned PoPer political system operates under a framework laid out in the 2007 constitutional document known as "The Charter". Amendments to The Charter require a two-thirds majority of the council of eldest; the articles guaranteeing fundamental rights, a democratic state, and the right to resist attempts to overthrow the constitution can be changed by a referendum only.

The Chief Minister is the head of government and exercises executive power. Federal legislative power is vested in the parliament consisting of the council of eldest and the house of regional delegates, which together form a unique type of legislative body. The council of eldest is elected through direct elections; the regional delegates represent the governments of the three federal states and are members of the state cabinets, which appoint them and can remove them at any time.

The Damned PoPerian head of state is the Bey, elected through direct election. The military rank Fleet Admiral is bestowed upon every Bey, because he is commander-in-chief of the armed forces. Although he is elected, the proper manner of address is His Imperial Majesty (H.I.M.). So the full title of a Bey is His Imperial Majesty Fleet Admiral Bey. The second-highest official and the head of government is the Chief Minister. He or she is nominated by the Bey and elected by the council of eldest. If necessary, he or she can be removed by a constructive motion of no confidence by the council of eldest, where "constructive" implies that the council of eldest needs to elect a successor.

Administrative divisions

Damned PoPer is divided into three states ("vengmey"). It is further subdivided into ten districts. These are:

  • Vengmey Omiez'u
    • Patarero Desert North
    • Patarero Desert East
    • Patarero Desert South
    • Deadlight City
    • Deadlight City Surroundings
  • Vengmey Per'ia
    • Scallywag Mountain
    • Waister Mountain
    • Fireship Plain
  • Vengmey Perac'q
    • Maroon Bay City
    • Maroon Bay Surroundings


Damned PoPer is dominated by three different types of landspace. In the South there is the Maroon Bay, surrounded by large beaches and grass plains. In the Northwest and West the Scallywag Mountains cut off Damned PoPer from its neighbors and in the East a huge rocky desert is located. Damned PoPer's highest mountain is the Scallywag Moutain followed by Waister Mountain, which is within the Scallywag Mountain range as well, and it's longest river is Killick river flowing into Maroon Bay.


Most of Damned PoPer has a cool, temperate climate in which humid southerly winds predominate. The climate is moderated by the Atlantic Ocean. This warmer water affects the areas bordering the Maroon Bay and the area along the Killick river, which flows into the Maroon Bay. Winters there are mild and summers tend to be cool, though temperatures can exceed 30°C for prolonged periods. In the east, the climate is more continental; winters can be very cold, summers can be very warm, and long dry periods are often recorded. Western Damned PoPer are mountainous regions where winters are as cold as in the east, but summers never exeed 25°C.


The Flag of Damned PoPer was originally designed for the DPEA, which used it from 1990 until the foundation of the Commonwealth. It consits of three parts, as Damned PoPer does. The first part are two orange triangles symbolizing the Omiez'u royal color (in ancient times used as the symbol of the rising sun). The second part are two blue triangles symbolizing the Per'ia royal color (as symbol of the sky), connecting to a full square with the orange triangles. And finally the third part is a small rectangle "sealing" the joint triangles. It's background is golden, because the state of Perc'q denied using the royal color (red) and pleaded for using the symbol of the revolution (two stylized crossed lobster claws) instead.