North Mack

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UNDERGOING MAJOR RENNOVATIONS, PLEASE BE PATIENT Please note I stole this from Shazbotdom, So most of the info is about shazbotdom. I am in the process of converting the information to my nation. Kudos to Shazbotdom for the page though!

North Mack
Flag of North Mack
Motto: Idle hande mean more whipping
Comming Soon
Region CIN Headquarters
Capital New Trinakai
Official Language(s) English, Russian
Leader Kaiser Joseph Stalin
Population 4.052 Bil
Currency M-Cred (M$) 
NS Sunset XML


July 21st, 1293IR In an event that will be remembered in the history books, North Mack finally launched its first Interstellar Battleship today. Outfitted with all the latest technology, including the newly developed Artificial Gravity System, as well as the Boranian Shift Drive, the ISS Contact heads for the stars. It will shift to a location that is thought to be the origin of a extra-terrestrial radio signal, in the hopes that it is artificial. No word on the result of the mission as of yet.

Modern Tech Branch

General Information

The Terran Empire of North Mack is located on the planet Heimatland, which literally means 'Homeland'. The Empire gained control of the planet after conquering its neighbors using a slight technological edge. The Empire has maintained that edge, funding the most advanced research efforts, and spending a whole 59% of the Government Budget on defence related projects.

A Short History

North Mack was originally only one of many nations on Heimatland, indeed, it had succeeded from the oppressive nation of Mack. North Mack, due to its small status, saw that it needed an edge. It funneled all available funds into research and military technology. It gained several advantages over its neighbors, so that when war did come, North Mack not only endured, but prospered. a mere 700 years after North Mack became independant, it controlled the entire planet. (The last enemy nation fell on June 25th, 732IR.) It saw nowhere else to go on the planet, so it looked to the stars. At first, the Empire could only reach its own solar system. After it had filled out the solar system (Mining asteroids for metals, and comets for ice and water, building military outposts on every rocky planet, and sewing satellites like seeds) North Mack looked for signs of extra-terrestrial life. And it found them. Recently, the ISS Contact (ISS stands for Imperial Star Ship) headed out into the galaxy, to connect with other intelligent races.

The Government

As the government is focused entirely around the military, it it ovbious that most government officials were former military soldiers (Indeed, the Kaiser himself was a Captain in the Imperial Army). In fact, in order to become a high ranking official, a person must have served more then the mandatory 2 years in the military.

Current Government Officials

KaiserJoseph Stalin
Premier of the MilitaryGeneral Lao-Tsing
Premier of StateLt. Jacob Geroffin (Ret.)
Premier of Foreign RelationsCol. Henry Guntard (Ret.)
Premier of the TreasurySgt. Stukov Klashnikov (Ret.)
Premier of Public AffairsCol. Hung-Phat (Ret.)

The Lay Of The Land

Topographic Informaiton

The planet of Heimatland is mainly plains, but also has a large amount of forests and mountains. This diverse geography has allowed the Imperial Armed Forces a wide range of training locations, so that they are prepared for combat in any terrain.


Political Information

Every 20 years a vote is made to elect the Kaiser, who then choosed the Premeir positions. Local officials are elected by constituents, to ensure the voice of the people is heard. Although there are many local representatives on Imperial Hill, the true decision making is left to the Kaiser and the Premeirs.

The Armed Forces

The Armed Forces of North Mack consist of the Imperial Army, the Imperial Star Force, and the Black Corps. The Imperial Army is trained and equipped to fight on a variety of terrain, climate, and situations, making it the backbone of the Empire. Although the Star Force might make it to extra-solar planets, the Imperial Army secures it.

Imperial Army

Standard Imperial Soldier
A Squad of Soldiers

Imperial Army Weaponry

M13 Striker Rifle (BOTTOM)
M13A2 Striker Rifle
M17 Reaper Sniper Rifle
M12A2 Sub-Machine Gun
M22 PlatLite Rifle with Shotgun
M7 Magnum Handgun
M32 Missile Launcher
M45 Multiple Missile Launching System (MMLS)

Imperial Army Vehicles

MBT33 Behemoth Tank
LV21-01 Street Warthog
LV21-02 Jungle Camo Warthog
LV21-03 Troop Transport Warthog
LV21-04 Desert ATV Warthog

Imperial Army Aircraft

G63 Revenge Gunship
G22 Pelican Troop Transport

Black Corps Special Forces

The Black Corps take on the most dangerous missions in the entire Imperial Armed Forces. They stike hard and fast, and leave the target before their presense is even detected. Although most information is classified on them, they are widley known as the supersoldiers of the Empire

A Black Corps soldier
Note the American Flag on the shoulder. This armor was leased to the US Marine Corp on Earth, because of its extreme success


As North Mack found itself deploying its Black Corps soldiers on an ever increacing amount of dangerous missions, casualties began to mount. On one mission, three Black Corps soldiers were killed, the greatest mission loss in the history of the Black Corps program.

North Mack scientists began development of a highly advanced armor system, that would make the soldiers nearly invincible. It was called the Spartan Combat Suit Model 1, Version 1, or the SCSM1k1. Made of special synthetic materials, the suit is an entirely enclosed system, allowing its user to even battle in airless environments. The success was immediate. Since the deployment of the suits on missions classified as REAVER5, or missions that would essensially be suicide for even an entire brigade of regular soldiers, only 2 Black Corps soldiers have been lost, both due to suit failure.

Picture of a SCSM1k1 Suit

The Star Force

Space/Atmospheric Assault Fighters


Variants of Assault (Starfury) Fighters

Aurora-class Assault Fighter
Badger-class Assault Fighter
Thunderbolt-class Assault Fighter

Foreign Policy

The Foreign Policy of the Dark Empire of Shazbotdom is rather simple. We don't get involved in any skirmishes unless it is the will of the people of the Dark Empire. Wars are reguarded as last ditch efforts for other nations to force their policies onto smaller, weaker nations and thus the Dark Empire of Shazbotdom is a part of several Alliances. Other ways for Nations to have friendly relations with the Dark Empire is through an Exchange of Embasies.


The Dark Empire of Shazbotdom is a part of several alliances. Most of them are Mutual Defence Pacts although one of them is to help the United Nations strive to be better than it currently is. To help pass legislation to protect the UN Member Nations not only from themselves, but from outside forces.

List of Alliances

Commonwealth of Independent Nations
Global Alliance of Sovergn Nations
Grand Alliance of Peace Through Strength
United Nations Alliance
United Nations (UN) DefCon
The Grand Imperial Alliance

Embasy Exchange Program

One way for Shazbotdom Foreign Policy to reach all those nations that want to have friendly relations with the Dark Empire is the Embasy Exchange Program. Currently there are Seventy-Eight nations who have Embasies within the Dark Empire of Shazbotdom. These Embasies are spread out along several different Roads within the Shazbotdom Captial of Shaz City. There is talk though of Embasies being opened up in other parts of the nation, but this is hearsay.

Embasy Roads

Below is a listing of the Roads with Embasies, how many lots are along those roads, how many of those lots are taken, and how many are available Click Here for the Embasy Exchange Thread.

Embasy Square20200
Shaz Bot Circle880
Shaz Square20200
Fredrick K. Douglas Drive11110
Galen Q. Leogarida Ave.10100
Jim K. Pruka Lane14140
Larry Williams Ave1073
George A. Loak Boulivard20191

Economy Information For Shazbotdom

The Dark Empire of Shazbotdom keeps detailed records of all transactions made throughout the NS Year. To ensure that they do not go over their budgets, the leadership of the Dark Empire of Shazbotdom has athorized the use of several Economic Calculators to keep track of information pretaining to the Dark Empire of Shazbotdom's budget during the current fiscal year. Below the authorised Economic Calculators are listed.

FT Branch

Information Comming Soon!

Government Information

The Dark Empire of Shazbotdom is made up of two major branches. The Executive branch, which is made up of the Supreme Emperor and the Judicial Branch, which is the courts of the Supreme Empire. These two branches are tasked with the matinance and upkeep of the day to day activities within the Shazbotdom Empire, as well as to pass legislation to bring peace and prosperity to the Shazbotdom Empire.

Imperial Marine Crops

A Standard Marine



DL-44 Heavy Blaster Pistol
SE-14R Light Repeating Blaster


E-11 Blaster Rifle
DLT-20A DLT-20A Blaster Rifle

Weapon Systems

DC-17M Interchangable Weapons System

Heavy Repeating Rifles

Imperial Navy

The Development of the Imperial Navy started when legislation number A88345D112 passed over the desk of the Supreme Emperor. He imedeitally signed it and the Ministers began to look for different places to purchase Naval Supplies. Thus they looked into and purchased Star Destroyers, and other much needed ships from Star Forge Naval Storefront. Roughly 8 different types of ships were purchased and divided into Four different fleets. A fifth fleet will be added for the main purpose of defending a new space installation under the working title, "Expeditionary Battle Planetoid Development Initiative".

'Expeditionary Battle Planetoid Development Initiative' Defence Fleet

Comming Soon!

1st Fleet

25 x Corellian Gunship
35 x Victory 2-class Star Destroyer
40 x Imperator 2-class Star Destroyer
15 x Allegiance-class Star Destroyer
1 x Goliath-class Star Destroyer
1 x Petulant Towerless-class Star Destroyer
1 x Paragon-class Star Destroyer
1 x Sovereign-class Super Star Desteroyer

2nd Fleet

25 x Corellian Gunship
35 x Victory 2-class Star Destroyer
40 x Imperator 2-class Star Destroyer
15 x Allegiance-class Star Destroyer
1 x Goliath-class Star Destroyer
1 x Petulant Towerless-class Star Destroyer
1 x Paragon-class Star Destroyer
1 x Sovereign-class Super Star Desteroyer

3rd Fleet

25 x Corellian Gunship
35 x Victory 2-class Star Destroyer
40 x Imperator 2-class Star Destroyer
15 x Allegiance-class Star Destroyer
1 x Goliath-class Star Destroyer
1 x Petulant Towerless-class Star Destroyer
1 x Paragon-class Star Destroyer
1 x Sovereign-class Super Star Desteroyer

4th Fleet

25 x Corellian Gunship
35 x Victory 2-class Star Destroyer
40 x Imperator 2-class Star Destroyer
15 x Allegiance-class Star Destroyer
1 x Goliath-class Star Destroyer
1 x Petulant Towerless-class Star Destroyer
1 x Paragon-class Star Destroyer
1 x Sovereign-class Super Star Desteroyer

Other Space Ships

The Dark Empire utilizes multiple other smaller vessels for defence and offensive operations. These vessels are small and hard to hit with large-scale weaponry from capital ships, but are prone to fire from smaller vessels such as other fighters.


6,000 x Tie Fighter
6,000 x Tie Advanced
6,000 x Tie V38
6,000 x Tie Hunter
6,000 x Arc 170


6,000 x Tie Interceptor


6,000 x Tie Bomber
6,000 x Tie Interdictor
6,000 x Tie Scimitar

Unmaned Ships

600 x Tie Droid

Specialized Ships

1,500 x Death Star Defender

Assault Shuttles

800 x Gamma Class Assault Shuttle
400 x Delta Class JV-7 Escort Shuttle
1,000 x Sentinel Class Landing Craft

Personell Transport Shuttles

200 x Lambda Class T-4a Imperial Shuttle