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Flag of Tarlachia
Motto: "Strength lies in the hearts of people"
No Map Available Yet
Region Fatal Terrain
Capital {{{capital}}}
Official Language(s)
Leader Sigrun Greenwood
Population {{{population}}}
Currency elfstone 
NS Sunset XML

In an ancient land sequestered in the corners of the world, a civilization is born. Ancient tribes of prehistoric beings, nomads of the world have settled down and begun the first steps toward the formation of the United Territories of Tarlachia. Six species dominated the cultural and social landscape of Tarlachia throughout the ages.



There was the Dragons, ancient beasts of immense power. Fire, Ice and Lunar augmentations ruled their world, their powers beyond the comprehension of many lesser beings. For this, the lesser beings have agreed and pushed to elect the dragon as their national animal. From the purebred lines came the Draman, men of draconian descent. These men harbored the ancient powers within their souls, yet few ever would learn how to unlock their powers. Most lived their days with only the small distinguishing features that set them aside from the regular homo-sapiens. Their skin was like scales, covering every part of their bodies. Their senses were keen and unique. The Draconians and the Dramans preferred the lush mountain ranges that sprawled the western and northern borders of Tarlachia.


Next were the Elves, eternal creatures of beauty and elegant arcane powers, yet they chose to seclude themselves in their own region of the nation. For hundreds of years, they were self-sufficient and rarely ventured outside of their forests and rivers. It was rumored that these elves were from the high elves of Middle Earth, but facts are hard to secure with their inconspicuous manners. Eventually, they claimed their own lands in the south, often near the rivers that snaked over nearly six thousand miles of changing terrain to the Western Ocean.

Men: Raxhun

Then there were the men. Three major sub-races of men existed. The first were Raxhun men; men of lower cultures, ragged and fractured in their societies. They could best resemble the nomadic people of Eastern Europe/ Northwestern Europe. Fiercely independent and strong in battle, they were a race that centered around conflicts. A brotherhood existed among the men, a brotherhood that can only be understood by men that had endured the blistering heat of the summer and the freezing blizzards of the winter, all for the sake of their families and their newfound nation.

Men: Norim

A second sub-race consisted of a more civilized culture and they came to be known as the Norim. Although technically they were Homo sapiens as the Rax-hun, they had long disregarded the need for violent penchants of the Rax-hun society. They had opted for knowledge to lead them into the future. A few individuals in strategic positions in the Tarlachian democratic government soon learned of technological and scientific advancements of the international community and silently adopted and tweaked them within their own nation.

Men: Grenals

The third race; Grenals; consisted of a dark collection of humans that were mediocre in their arcane skills. Unfortunately, a strange and swiftly contagious illness swept through their kind and wiped all but a few hundred survivors within the first five hundred years. The survivors are cold to outsiders and do not wish to be troubled. Yet, rumors say that they possess knowledge and items of importance, however these claims cannot be verified for truth. It is said that those that suffered and died from the illness had been stricken with a unique sickness, one that infected arcane users. The sickness was carried by the living species of the earth, yet remained harmless to the majority of the Tarlachian society. However, the magic of the Grenals proved to be the catalyst for their demise.


The moonwalkers, the vampires of the underworld were small in their numbers, mostly because those that terrorized the population were hunted down with cold-blooded calculation, strategy and eliminated. Thus, they learned to pick their meals carefully. They chose the drunks and criminals. In exchange, the government turned their backs, for doing so eliminated two problems at once. They are susceptible to silver, and enough of it can kill them. However, traditional methods of killing vampires (wooden stakes, crosses, holy water, churches, etc) have no effect or cause only minimal physical injury. Beheading will kill them as well.

Tarlachian war machine

Tarlachian Air Force (TAF)

Draconian Divisions

An organized force of the dragons of Tarlachia. Their strength is reputable, their movements swift and deadly accurate. Flexible armor plating covers the bodies of the dragons. They use their natural abilities in combat, including their specialty attacks, as well as using pure brute strength. Highly effective and demoralizing to infantry troops.

Mechanized Divisions

This force consists of the latest technological advancements in the nation, including stealth aircraft and fighter jets [equal to that of the USA in 2005]. Nuclear tipped weapons are in storage, but are only to be used as a last defense.

Tarlachian Army (TA)

Raxhun Rangers

A force of modernized soldiers that are trained in the use of modern weaponry. Their skill is good, and their organization notable. Good for use to supplement the battlefront. Often in service alongside the mages and elves. They are known for their fierce combat, stamina and loyalty to each other and their nation.

Elven Warriors

A force that consists of the elves. Their weaponry, although somewhat primitive to modern technology, is still quite deadly in battle, especially when used in conjunction with their arcane abilities. Their tactics are deadly and swift. Their armor is considered the best for hand to hand combat. They are notable also for their stealth and their archery.

Moonwalker Warriors

Like their fellow combatants, these creatures of the night are especially dangerous in hand to hand combat. Their physical strength is only matched by that of the draconians. They choose their favored weapons, which can range from a broadsword to guns and pistols.

Mechanized Division

Another sector of the military dedicated to the latest technological designs in the market, as well as their own innovations. Recently a number of Metal Gears have been purchased and training is about complete in their use. It is expected that these structures of technological destruction are to be a formidable force in any battle setting.

Tarlachian Navy (TN)

A force of modern naval vessels ranging from aircraft carriers to nuclear fusion powered submarines. Often they patrol the territorial waters of Tarlachia. Their strength is considerable, as their weaponry is considered quite effective against an equivalent or lesser modern opponent.


One gets the feeling of stepping back in time as they travel throughout Tarlachia. Yet, oddly, if they look in the right places, they can see touches of modern technology and the likes.

Eight major cities dot the surface landscape of Tarlachia. However, there are another six more cities that exist within Tarlachia, but are literally hidden from the sun. These cities were built in the shells of decomissioned military bases, and soon became quickly established as the Underworld Cities. They were the homes of the moonwalkers, a safe haven protecting them of their eternal enemy that commanded the skies twelve hours each day.

Farmlands can be seen stretching over vast plots of land all over Tarlachia. They are only interuppted by gently rolling hills and plains. These farmers refuse to use chemicals to boost their crops, and often don't need even those chemicals for anything. They are living proof that living simply and still knowledgeable of modern day equipment is beneficial thing, but the old fashioned way of doing things triumped.

Surface Cities

Rossver City

The City of the Future, a major location of technological developments and the home of Tarlachia's only spaceport. Often the spaceport is a recieving location for those foreign dignitaries who arrive from the great expanses of the dark universe beyond the blue skies. However, this city is also located near a military base situated underground in an expansive base with natural terrain covering the many entrances for military units. With all entrances closed, these bases are completely undetected by space-faring eyes, and are often covered by farmers tilling their fields, completely oblivious to the immense bases underneath their feet.

Upper Taria

One of the two major Elven cities that is situated just inside the treeline at the southern edges of the forests that surround the River Aria.

Rushing Waters Port

Rushing Waters is situated at the delta of the River Aria, welcoming foreigners to its docks year round. It is moderately influenced by elven tastes, an appropriate touch, as the elves reside in the great forests that blanket both sides of the River Aria to the north.

Snowy Peaks

Situated in the northern mountains, this city often is home to the Dramans and Raxhun. The gothic architecture dates to early Middle Ages, and many structures remain exactly as they were built over the years.

Romia City

The city that spawned of the famous city of Rome. It boasts the nation's only Coliseum on the outskirts of the city, to the east. The city itself is one of knowledge, a haven to philosophers and intellects from all over the world.


The City on the Hill, as affectionately known by the civilians that live inside its limits. It is the proud capital of Tarlachia, the home of the ancient castle that has signified national power since the early Middle Ages. The castle sits gracefully atop the hill and the walls extend to the lower reaches of the hill, enveloping the city itself. It is a center of political activity, often a location where public demonstrations are carried out, but kept under strict control by the local police forces. It is the site where international delegates are often seen going to and fro from their important meetings with the different government workers of Tarlachia.

Craggton City

A city that sits on the coastline to the southwest. It is a city often a home for the arcane users known as the Grenals.It is a city that overlooks a series of small archipelego islands that appear more as crags of rock jutting harshly out of the Azul Sea. Often small demonstrations and public shows are given to tourists' excitement.

Lower Taria

Located at the northernmost reaches of the River Aria, it is a city that lies in seclusion, miles from other locations. Nearly all of the population consist of Elves, as it is the City In The Trees. A particularly interesting city as it does not conform to the norm of being on the earth itself but rather built upon extensive and sturdy talans that span the canopy.

Underworld Cities

Moonlight City

A city that boasts large man-made skylights that are opened slightly each night to allow its inhabitants to gaze upon the moon on good nights of weather. Once an airforce military base, all sensitive equipment has been removed, and now this city is often one to find great stores of weaponry ranging from swords to flintlocks to modern weapons. However, because of the location of this armory, it is vastly protected by the mere presence of the city's citizens.

Maximus City

A city named after the infamous Maximus Destroi, the first true ancient of Tarlachia. Many of the inhabitants of this great city are descendants of his line directly. His picture can often be seen on walls in the forms of murals and other great artworks.

Crimson City

The City of Blood. It was a location of a widespread slaughter of vampires in a time when knights of old fought their fearsome foes. It was also here, that the current laws regarding vampires residing in Tarlachia were forged. Many a great warrior, both vampire and human died in the narrow streets and plazas of this dark city.

Eternalia City

The City of Eternal Darkness. Few streetlights barely illuminate the darkness that seems to coat the entire city in dark shades. It is home to various dark and ill-tempered vampires. Only the hardiest, or the bravest non-vampires dare to venture even near the main entrance. Often, those that do enter the city are never seen from again. However, there is one individual who has gained respect through her hard work. She is none other than Rikan Tansho.

Nosgah City

This is your typical, run-of-the-mill city, only underground. It is more liberal to outsiders, and often one can find non-vampiric shops set up here. However, like the other Underworld Cities, a strong presence of vampires can be found here as well.

Bakaran City

The City of No Sleep. At any hours of the day, shadowy figures can be seen moving about their business. This city is the home of the vampiric law and order officers. Here, they train since a young age, and must pass certain tests to prove they are capable and worthy of upholding the law in each Underworld City, no matter where they are assigned.