Bedistan Premier League

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The Bedistan Premier League is the top level of domestic football competition in the Grand Dominion of Bedistan. It contains the majority of Bedistan's internationally-known clubs. There are twenty clubs in the BPL, and each plays two matches against each other club, one home and one away, for a total of 38 matches. The team with the most points (three for each win and one for each draw) at the end of the season is crowned BPL champion. In the case that two or more clubs should be tied for the most points, goal difference is used as the tiebreaker, followed by goals scored. The three teams that finish at the bottom are relegated to the First Division of the Bedistan Football League.

In 2074, Rolestu FC won their first Bedistani championship.


The Bedistan Football League was the first professional league in Bedistan, founded in 2014. It consisted of a single division of twenty clubs. Starting in 2015, the four worst-performing clubs were relegated to the semi-professional Second Division, with replacement teams drawn from the Second Division as needed. The BFL ran continuously until 2018, when it folded.

There was no professional league for over a decade, but in 2030 the Bedistan Football Association came into being. When it started, it consisted of three divisions of twenty clubs each. There were still four clubs promoted and relegated from each division. The top two clubs in the Second and Third Division were automatically promoted, and the other two were determined by a playoff among the clubs finishing in third through sixth place. In 2033, the Regional Divisions were added beneath the Third Division. The Northern, Central, and Southern Regional Divisions contained twenty clubs each, and the Island Regional Division had six. In 2040, the Island Regional Division was expanded to eight clubs. However, internal problems at the BFA caused the dissolution of the league after the 2043 season.

The BPL was formed in 2047, and it consisted of four divisions of twenty clubs each, except that the Fourth Division was then called the National Conference. The Conference became the Fourth Division in 2049. No competition took place from 2059 through 2061 due to worries about government stability in neighboring Lontorica, but the league started rolling again in 2062. In 2064, the Bedistan Football Association gave the BPL an order to integrate new clubs from the recently-annexed lands formerly part of Silverbrook and Karacos, bringing it to a total of 100 clubs, twenty-five in each of four divisions. After the 2064 season, the BPL chose to break away from the BFA and become its own entity, taking only the top twenty clubs in the nation with them. The remaining eighty were then forced to reincarnate the Bedistan Football League, consisting of four divisions of twenty each.

The BPL and BFL did not play in the years 2068-73 for reasons still unknown, but the leagues returned in 2074 in the same 2064-67 format.

Previous Champions

Note: This includes all Bedistani champions, not just those since the BPL was created. Numbers in parentheses indicate the total number of championships won up to that point.

Bedistan Football League (first incarnation)

Bedistan Football Association league system

Bedistan Premier League