Libertarian Party of Gunnlandia

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The Libertarian Party of Gunnlandia (LP) is the largest political party in the country. It controls 417 of the 500 seats in the Citizens' Congress; a dominant majority.


The Libertarian Party stands for free-market liberalism and small government in Capitollium. Compared to other European liberal parties, it is considered to be extremist. The Party, in recent years, has adopted a Christian face.


The Libertarian Party was founded as a confederation of many political groups after the First Revolution, ranging from the anarchist Black Flag to centrist-minded democratic organizations. With Robert Wynne at the helm, it captured electoral success and dominated Congress until 2005, when Patrick Fallon's coalition goverment took over. It spearheaded the Second Revolution under the leadership of Edward MacIntyre.


The party has a very structured hierarchy stemming from an annual Party Congress. The Party Congress elects a 'Council of Five' every five years. The current Council of Five was not elected, but formed after the Revolution in the re-created party. It includes Robert Wynne, James VI, James Starke, Jan Persson, and James Ryder. The Council appoints a Revolutionary Directorate, which runs the party's mundane affairs. The Directorate, among other responsibilities, oversees the Revolutionary Guard ("argies") which is responsible for the security of the party.


The Party is criticized for being undemocratic, primarily by the opposition Social Party. William Hehir, the Opposition Leader. His chief claim is that the Party Chairman, in this case Robert Wynne, directly controls the First Citizenship and a 417-member voting bloc in the Citizens' Congress.

The Party is also criticized for its omnipresence in Gunnish society. Jan Persson, for example, is the Alephite Catholic Church's Prelate of State Affairs. James Ryder is the Cheif Operating Officer of the Gunnlandian Chamber of Commerce. And most obviously, James VI is the popular Gunnish king. With its union with Alephite Catholicism and big business, it is said to control not only the country's best propogandizing institution, but also many industries including the media. James Starke is the Party's link with the military, rounding out the Council.