The Bankers Union

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The Bankers Union
Flag of The Bankers Union
Motto: I came, I saw, I conquered.
No Map Available Yet
Region The New Meritocracy
Capital Genoasis
Official Language(s) English
Leader S. Prost
Population < 1 billion
Currency Corporate Dollar 
NS Sunset XML

This country believes in the rights of free enterprise and pure captalism, and will go to any extent to spread right-wing ideals. Commerce is the largest private secter in the country.

The Bankers Union believes in anti-Un policies, and we stand with the CEO, and with The German Empire. Long live The New Meritocracy!


The government of The Bankers Union is extreamly small. The President of Commerce, S. Prost, rules over 2 massive corporations and therefore controlls the banks and the investors in the banks. Four-hundred investors make up a parliament though the parliament has no real power anymore. The laws are always moralistic, and the Democracy that once was is falling apart as Corporations vie for internal Power.


The society is based on Feudalism in the sense that the local community is ruled by the particular CEO that is in that area. Everyone who has money lives life accordingly, while the poorer people are left to starve; the people of The Bankers Union do not support social welfare.


In the later years of the early Republic, The Bankers Union was run through by immoral corruption and strife; the poor had revolted, killing all the Nobles who dared to opress them over the years. However, a young man known only by "S. Prost" came to power in the Senate, declared Martial Law and destroyed the Peasents though brutal force. All the Peasents were routed in a grand battle called the Plains of Gioneil. The plains were located right outside of the capital city of Genosis. The victorious Republic named S. Prost as the Prime Minister, which he accepted graciously.

However, over the years after the battle at the Plains of Gioneil, Prime Minister S. Prost began a series of legislation that allowed two Corporations to fall under his command. The first was a massive Gorvernment owned project called Kuat Systems Engineering. The second, more privatly owned corporation was called Sienar Technologies. S. Prost, and these newly aquired corporations began to "hire" influential investors into politcs, and in the year 4 YAPG (Years after Plains of Gioneil) the new country was renamed from the Republic of The Bankers Union to the Federation of The Bankers Union, and thus it has been, ever since.