The Adam Island Times

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The Adam Island Times
Headquarters: Llama City
Nationality: Adam Island
Specialty: Newspapers
Storefront: Internet Edition

The Adam Island Times is the largest newspaper in The Republic of Adam Island. Its internet edition is read by citizens and politicians from across the globe and into space. Access is free, and ads are few.

The Times was for many years the only nationwide paper in AI. It shared content with The Adam Island Network, exchanging its articles for the Network's photographs and other visual content. It managed to get exclusive interviews, notably one with President Ben Rodriquez on Election Day, 1984.

In Feburary 1985, the Times was purchased by Mr. Naja Hapita, a billionaire and active member of the Values Party. Seeking to take the Times in a different direction, Hapita moved the headquarters from the Capital City of Adam City to Llama City in the northern territory of Ditthi.

The Times terminated its working contract with the Network and ceased sharing articles. With the loss of its primary source for sports and international reporting, the Times shifted its focus to domestic politics. Hapita announced the change proudly, saying that "The major news media outlets have turned into a bunch of spineless yes-men, cowering to the whims of the corrupt Libertarians and their heathen politics. The Times will change this and give Adam Islanders the information they deserve."

The Times is often criticized for being too anti-administration. Times defenders refute this claim of bias. The argument over the Times' and the Network's objectivity is discussed frequently in AI political and social circles.

AI Times Internet Edition