Team Bowie

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Team Bowie

<div" class="plainlinksneverexpand">julie-223fal_s.jpg
Team Bowie Operative with custom assault rifle

After the Federation of Sentient Peoples left Allanea it became obvious that the Allanean military structure is incredibly lacking in specialty troops of various kinds. Thus, President Alexander Kirillovich Kazansky ordered the creation of many new units, in particular Team Bowie.

Team Bowie is a team drawn upon from the ranks of not only elite units – such as the United States Marine Corps, the Air Assault troops, or successful sniper school initiates – but, as all Allanean elite military units, from civilian groups as well. NRA Practical Rifle champions, Krav Maga competitors, or famous swordsmen can all enter Team Bowie.

Team Bowie is rather lightly armed compared to regular infantry – they do not use powered armour or heavy vehicles, thus detaching themselves from logistics as far as possible. Further, as with many Allanean Special Forces Units, there’s no standard-issue oeapon – instead, the skill of every individual with his weapon(s) of choice is emphasized. The only standard weapon is the bowie knife that is the symbol of the team.

The main goal of Team Bowie is to act in areas of guerilla warfare, aiding the side of those the guerillas by training and targeted attack. In those operations, they sometimes operate without uniform, blending entirely with the locals but for a small patch or insignia somewhere on their clothing.

Even though generally members of Team Bowie arrive to the Team already in possession of skills both in their weapon of choice and in the AAR-8 rifle, they undergo painstaking training to reinforce their existing skills for two months after they enter Basic Training. After extensive testitng, the Team members are grouped together into detachment of 8-15 soldiers, judging by their individual skills (i.e., so that they better complement the individual skills of each other).

Then begins the second stage of training, lasting six months. It is aimed to train and increase the cohesion and cooperation of troops inside each detachment., each with his particular skills and advantages.

Operators: Estimated 2,500
