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Forum: None
Population: 4 nations
Delegate: None
Founder: Sakkra
Info: NSEconomy RC XML

Sslaa System

9.4 light years away from the Sol system, Sslaa has 8 total planets, 12 moons and two asteroid belts. A sub-space gate there is under construction just at the system's rim. Sslaa V is the Imperial Seat where the Sakkran peoples are located.

Trilar and Sunset have established colonies on Sslaa 4, and Sslaa 8 is slated for resource mining for the Treznorian Empire. Sslaa 2 is colonized by the peoples of Nuova Toscana, a holding of the Dread_Lady_Nathicana . Sslaa 6 is a gas giant, with the peoples of Menelmacar having mining operations in effect there. Currently Sslaa I is set aside as a training ground for hazardous environs for the Rangers.

The 2 asteroid belts are the Kraah Belt and the outer-laying Sszeera Belt, named after the previous Emperor and Empress. These asteroid belts are home to many research stations, refineries and mining operations, and also a training ground for our sentient ships. The Szeera Belt is also a spawning ground for those sentient ships, and when their Handlers are on leave, it becomes a bit of a meeting place for the ships.

Security is very tight in the Sslaa region, controlled by the Vubz System Coordination Base, a large hollow moon orbiting Sslaa V that has been converted into a massive manufacturing, training, and defense base. As such, entry into the region is difficult.

The Sslaa System works in cooperation with the Triumvirate of Yut. There will be more information of the planets and other heavenly bodies in the Sslaa System at a later date.

From the Imperial NewsFeed

In three cycles time, a convention will be held for colonists, enterpeneurs and life-time residents of the Sslaa system. In this convention, the issues of living conditions, trade and more will be discussed. Vendors will be invited, and exotic imports and exports will be available. Please contact the offices of either Ambassador Bosska or Director Seerak for more information.