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Flag of Gnopica
Motto: "Non facete nobis calcitrare vestrum perinæum!"
Region The Seventh Column
Capital Chattanooga
Official Language(s) Gnopish
Leader JimmyChatt
Population Growing
Currency The Pfhor 
NS Sunset XML


In the beginning there was a paddle. This paddle begot another paddle. The paddles used their collective mind power to create...a ball. They bounced the ball for eons. Time had no meaning. Then, unexpectedly, one of the paddles made a mistake, miscalculating the trajectory of the ball. It missed. The paddle that missed exploded, and it was from this event that the entire universe was created. Some scholars suggest that somewhere a now lone paddle is looking down on us, but only sees the words "You Loose."


The Democratic Republic of Gnopica is the only country that still holds true to this legend, and local lore holds that Gnopica is settled on what was the center of the original mighty ball. The Gnopic religion is based upon the restoration of the Lost Paddle, and to once again, through the pursuit of the Tru7h, set the Great Paddles in motion, restoring harmony and equilibrium to the universe.

National Animal

Gnopica's national animal is the pickle llama. They are very social, and while they do not live in herds, they rarely live alone. This joyful creature is only found on the Islands of Gnopica, and biologists have never been able to agree on how it should be classified. Easily found galavanting in the lush forests of Gnopica, the pickle llama attracts scientists and tourists from across the globe.

Although normally calm and well tempered, the pickle llama can be very ferocious when it feels threatened. When in this mood, the pickle llama is one of the most deadly animals in the world. For this reason, it has no natural enemies and poaching has never been a problem, unless you count the number of poachers killed yearly as one. By the time it's adversary has heard the pickle llama's attack call of "wort wort wort!" it is to late.

The beautiful mating song of the pickle llama can be heard every year on its mating day, the 7th of July. This melodious tune has fascinated people for centuries. The mating song has even been transposed for choir and orchestra by the famous composer Marty O'Donnell. You can here an example here. (If it says "forbidden," just click in the address window of your browser and hit enter)



Gnopica is made up of three islands off of the west coast of Durandal. One round volcanic island with two long parallel islands on either side. Due to the activity of tectonic plates, the round island will collides with one of the two longer islands about once every ten million years.

This is the first map ever drawn of Gnopica. It was drawn by Pimps at Sea after they crashed on the shore of the middle Island. They were given food and shelter by the natives, and many of them decided to settle in Gnopica. The other Pirate Pimps went on to eventually settle and found many of the other nations in the region.


Gnopica's Constitution


Pickle Llama Art

Oh yeah...


All Gnop! images are from the one and only Gnop! web site, which is brought to you by VII Tost and the good people over at The 7th War. The mp3 file is a link from Halo.Bungie.Org, given to them by Total Audio, run by Marty O'Donnell and Mike Salvatori.