Tahar Joblis

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Tahar Joblis is one of the older nations of NationStates, and a socialist nation resident to The Proletariat Coalition. Tahar Joblis is also known to be a moderator under another name, which is one of the various Worst Kept Secrets of NationStates, or possibly one of the Best Kept Non-Secrets of NationStates.

Tahar Joblis played a particularly prominent role in the Amerigan War, "accidentally" detonating a small nuclear device which destroyed a submersible aircraft carrier deployed by Yavin. Of particular note, Tahar Joblis has often loomed ominously and engaged in relatively few wars, the Allanean War and the Amerigan War notwithstanding.

Tahar Joblis is perhaps best known for its vast oceanic territorial claims, seaweed farming, startling modern navy, the incredibly comprehensive Tahar Joblissan Bureaucracy, and its highly educated but materially poor residents.