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The Sultanate of Templtsar, shortened to just Templtsar, is a new country in the NationStates region of PEEL. It is comprised of the southern peninsular of what was formerly [[Deadrockall] and broke away by referendum on 9th December 2052. Templtsar comprises of 18 former states of Deadrockall and also claims ownership to a furthur four states and two uninhabited islands. These ownership claims have been part of a long running dispute with Deadrockall.


Templtsar was first settled around 3000 years ago by travellers from what is modern day Anubinia. The earliest human activity in this region can be found around Keysen seaport where a natural bay gives excellent shelter from weather and excellent land for farming.

Modern day Templtsar has been shaped heavily by the presence of the Temple Faith who up until a popular revolution owned everything in the country and taught citizens from a young age to be good Temple followers. Unlike furthur north where industrialisation has taken on at a rapid pace, many of Templtsars historical farms and temples have remained until this day.


Templtsar gained independance from Deadrockall after a violent conflict between militia groups and Deadrockall's military. Then Deadrockall Prime Minister Osker Lein declared a Period of Crisis to contain the growing discontent felt by many strict Temple Faith followers and the ensuing terrorist attacks. After the Period of Crisis was over elections were called in Deadrockall and leader of the Southern Deadrockall Now Party Hans Orbet offocialy stated his intention to form a breakaway theocratic nation. The SDNP ran in the 22 states that Templtsar claims ownership of and won 20 of them. The 18 former Deadrockall states that make up Templtsar today were all won by SDNP. (See Templtsar Rebellion of 2052)

Elections are scheduled to take place every four years however there have been accusations of SDNP stifling opposition parties. Mass-migration took place after the victory when many of those who did not support the SDNP government were allowed to leave and this has left the ruling party with an 85% approval rating. Accusations of corruption continue.

There are no votes on bills, the President has full power to do what he pleases. President Hans Orbet has made moves towards an accountable democracy but these moves are happening too slowly claim opponents.

Templtsar Claims to the Territories

Four states are claimed as being part of Templtsar and Deadrockall and they make up the area 20km inshore along the New Star Warsian border along to the Templtsar border. The area comprises of four states, two of which went to the SDNP in the 2052 elections, however they also would take the state of Keysen Port which voted for Benji Mascarvez' Secularist Deadrockall Party and it would mean that the city of Keysen would be owned by two different countries. Also the only seaport that Deadrockall has access to would be cut off.

A full referendum has been blocked by the SDP but polling suggests that if all four states were taken as a whole, joining Templtsar would be voted in favour by 58%.

The SDP claim that Templtsar ic making an unnecessary landgrab to shut off trade to Deadrockall, and also would like to gain a valuable border with New Star Warsia, a known supporter of terrorism and fanaticism.

SDNP counter that New Star Warsia has recinded its support for terrorism and The Holy Dominion and as such these arguments are now unnecessary. They also claim that the sole border with Deadrockall prevents Templtsar from being truly independant and reliant on a favourable relationship with Deadrockall for trade.


Templtsar has just one small border with Deadrockall that has been the scene of many clashes in the past. The rest of the country is surrounded by sandy beaches and azure oceans that attract many tourists. The land is exceptionally flat too with the highest point being just 135m above sea level.


No census data is available from Templtsar and a very relaxed migration policy has made estimating demographics very difficult to do. Officially the country has 100% Temple Faith followers however independant sources claim that at least 6% do not support the temple in any way. Whilst the country is officially classed as secularist, there are no laws against the persecution of non-believers so reliable statistics are hard to come by.

The country is almost entirely white with less than 1% ethnic minorities. Males make up 52% of the population, supposedly because of females crossing the border to Deadrockall where job oppurtunities are better.


Templtsar disbanded its policy of conscription after gaining independence, however jobs in the police and military are often the best paying that many of the citizens of Templtsar can get and so sign-up numbers remain high. The military is believed to have 600,000 people who are often required to perform civil jobs such as road building. Like Deadrockall, Templtsar also stations large numbers of troops on the Deadrockall border, sometimes as many as 15,000.