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Flag of Hiiraan
Motto: Hiiraan And Its People all the way.
No Map Available Yet
Region Africa
Capital Moqdishu
Official Language(s) Somali, arabic, Amhar, English
Leader Khan Ghis Khan Abdullahi
Population 1.165 Billion
Currency Somali Shillingi 
NS Sunset XML

Overview of a Nation

The Federal republic is a Federal Republic the Consists of South Somalia, Part of Central Somalia, Majority of Ethopia and The New Kid on teh Bloc Kenya. The Federal Republic Has Many Enemies, The National Reconciliation Party has won the elections and is now in control of a History Going back to 14 Century. The Nation has a Population of 400,045,000 and has been improving its fast and furious Military, The Pupblic is mostly free of Govermental Judgement and has the Politician frolic like ants on a ant Hill, Luckly the ever powerful president puts all of them in their niche.

The Federal Republic of Hiiraan encountered a brief period of Communism when a revolution swept the nation, led by Jabal Mohamed. Upon the return of the National Unity, the state of the economy and civil affairs was a wreck. Crime was at an all time high as was unemployment and the economy was near collapse. Upon his return from exile, the Mohamed Khallid cleaned up the streets and reset the economy back on track, as well as getting unemployment figures back under 4%. Additionally, protesting was outlawed to prevent another revolution and all non-FDA approved drugs were considered illegal, thereby diminishing crime by some 600%.

Since then, the Federal Republic of Hiiraan has enjoyed tranquility and prosperity. It's citizens live how they choose and complain very little. In survey's ranked amongst the citizens of Hiiraan, the most important issue for them was security. In this mixed up world, an overwhelming 92% felt that they were safer than many places in the world both from domestic and international crime as well as war. Second on the list was prosperity and from the figures, the population lives well.

Modern History

The Modern History of the Republic started at the end of the first world war, which had many nations fighting for the 2 superpowers, the end of Germany felt the end of the Oldage Hiiraan, The Italians, which had a huge stack at Hiiraan left the nation in the end of June to leave wrecked Hiiraan rebuild itself. The Independence Movement which has lacked credibilty prevailed on July First 1st in 1946 when the called Hiiraan a nation of its own creation.

Since then it has arisen as a world leader in both economic and military might yet maintained its realist-isolationist stance in global politics. It has become a key figure in the international stage. Originally playing a significant role in a civil war in Ethopia, the Federal Republic of Hiiraan (then the Dictatorship of Hiiraan) slowly expanded into its first province, South Eastern Ethopia. Further evolving, after a bloody war with the Free Land of Central Somalia, annexation brought them into the empire as the third province. Lastly, the colony of Western Somalia, joined the Empire most recently as the troubles in South Eastern Ethopia cooled down.

Under the First Republic, political power was held by the Count and the Universita as an advisory body composed of the lords of the provinces. In the early-modern period, opposition parties of the people were suppressed by the government. The social democratic movement was brought into line by the Counts through the creation of various social programs, but not all political groups accepted such coercion.

Yusuf Jamaa, leader of the HSDM and First Minister of the government The Hiiraanese Nationale Movement (HNM) was founded in the city of Mogadishu in 1931 by a group of college students who saw the regime of the Mohamed Khallid and provincial lords as a method of dividing up the Hiiraanese people into regional groups with distrust for one another, thereby preventing any united action to overthrow the aristocracy.

The principal goals of the party were to unite the Hiiraanese people and rebuild their cultural identity. One of the primary methods was to make Somali the sole language and discourage use of regional dialects and foreign langauges in public life. In 2004, the HSDM orchestrated a national strike that in early 1952 saw the removal of the Khallid from power and the creation of a Federal Republic in a united Hiiraan.


The Hiiraanese Goverment is a recounting Govermenting, with Presidential elections Every 10 years, Every President is allowed to be a president for 35 years, The Goverment is a vast Political system which encompasses the Communist to the Ultra Democratical Politician.

The Federal Republic of Hiiraan is highly centralized. It is not a complete democracy but does exhibit some ideals of a complete republic. The system is set up in tiers, with the lowest being the most local (towns and villages). These are ruled by councils or mayors who are elected or appointed by the populace of the town or village. Counties are still higher and they are ruled by councilmen who are elected by the provisional Parliament. The next tier up are cities, which are served in much the same way. Above Cities are states, in which there are Provisional Presidents who are elected by Populace through the Parliament. Provinces are higher than states, the second highest level. All provincial Presidents are elected by the people. The highest tier is the Republic itself, which is ruled by the President, who is chosen by the people directly, all Elections happen in the same time period as the Presidential elections.

The ideology of the Republic is that of a new brand of conservativism. Whilst it is a new brand, it is not neo-conservatism. It is based on the old conservative values. While the government is highly centralized and non-Communist/Complete Socialist on the whole, it grants its populace freedom to live as they please, as long as they stay within the confines of the law, law and order being the top priority of the country, followed by defense. The realist-isolationism of the Republic keeps them out of all but direct events in the international circuit. Realist-isolationism states that while the world is not a vacuum and countries are not individual actors, there is no world order (thus global anarchy on the whole) and a nation should not get involved with what does not directly effect them.

Presently, The President is President abdullahi Yusuf and The Vice President is Muse al Mari, although they leave the running of the country to Prime Minister Mohamed ali Ghedi, Both the president and the Vice president heavy influence on the Prime minister. The President still exerts the powers to declare a war, disband the parliament, and eject the prime minister.

The Nationale Parliament of The Federal Republic of Hiiraan

The Federal republic has a Bicamarel Parliament which Consists fo a lower and a upper House, The Parliament passes most of the laws, Laws can be passed 2 ways, The President can pass a law in an a way he views as an Emergency, Each President must Define Emergency by Himself, and or the other way a law can be passed if the Parliament takes up the issue and passes a law about the issue.

The history of the Parliament is a long and complicated one. Unlike the Lower House,The parliament only conists of the memebrs from the states and not representing the provinces, the Only representation that the Provinces as a Province get a representaion is when a law needs a tie breaking vote. For a bill to become a law, it must be ratified by the Lower House of the Parliament, Then the Upper House, and then signed by the President. If the President vetoes it, then the bill goes to the Provesional Presidents Vote, if the majority votes to allow the vote go back the parliament, the same procedure happens, but if the president vetoes the law this time, the law will be abolished and it will not be back in to the parliament for at least 5 years. in 5 year's time the bill is eligable to be voted on again. this time they can choose to be favour the President or Provisional can pass the bill on its own Govermental system.

Judicial Branch ( System )

The Qur'an is the principal source of Islamic law, the Sharia. It contains the rules by which the Muslim world is governed (or should govern itself) and forms the basis for relations between man and God, between individuals, whether Muslim or non-Muslim, as well as between man and things which are part of creation. The Sharia contains the rules by which a Muslim society is organized and governed, and it provides the means to resolve conflicts among individuals and between the individual and the state.

There is no dispute among Muslims that the Qur'an is the basis of the Sharia and that its specific provisions are to be scrupulously observed. The Hadith and Sunna are complementary sources to the Qur'an and consist of the sayings of the Prophet and accounts of his deeds. The Sunna helps to explain the Qur'an, but it may not be interpreted or applied in any way which is inconsistent with the Qur'an.

Though there are other sources of law—i.e., ijma', (consensus), qiyas, (analogy), ijtihad, (progressive reasoning by analogy)—the Qur'an is the first and foremost source, followed by the Hadith and Sunna. Other sources of law and rules of interpretation of the Qur'an and the Hadith and Sunna follow in accordance with a generally accepted jurisprudential scheme

The Qur'an contains a variety of law-making provisions and legal proscriptions interspersed throughout its chapters (suwar) and verses (ayat). A number of rules exist for interpreting these provisions, such as the position of a given ayah within the context of the surah, which in turn is interpreted in accordance with its place in the sequence of revelations, its reference to other revelations, and its historical context in relation to particular conditions which existed at the time of the given revelation. These and other rules are known as the science of interpretation (ilm usul aI-fiqh). According to these rules, for example, one initially is to refer to a specific provision and then to a general provision dealing with a particular situation. No general provision can be interpreted to contradict a specific provision, and a specific rule will supersede a general proposition. A general provision, however, is always interpreted in the broadest manner, while a specific provision is interpreted in the narrowest manner. Reasoning by analogy is permitted, as are applications by analogy, except where expressly prohibited. Simplicity and clear language are always preferred. Similarly, the clear spirit of certain prescriptions cannot be altered by inconsistent interpretations. A policy-oriented interpretation within the confines of the rules of jurisprudence is permissible and even recommended, as is the case with the doctrine of ijtihad (progressive reasoning by analogy).

Other Provinces Like the Province of Kenya and Ethopia have not yet Adopted the Sharia as the Law systems, However so, The Sharia is a Nationale System, The Goverment However, Does not follow Sharia laws that are too extreme, Like Chopping of Hands or Killing a women with a stone, we however replace them with Jail sentences, Sometimes a Sharia that allows a Person be killed will be sentenced to a Life in Prison instead or at times some are not followed at all.



The Nations Consists of 4 Province. Provinces are the Highest of the Govermental Control below the Republic itself, The Provinces invest Heavily on the goverment and all are semi-autonomous, however, all are bound by Federal laws made by the Parliament. Provinces are Inter-connected with their states. Provinces were cultured in the after world war era, when people felt a bigger govermental division was needed to protect the people directly, instead of relying on a vast bodies in the republic, The provisional Conference of 1958 created the Provisional rule itself, deviding the nation into 3 provinces, The last was added in 2005 when the nation succesfully invaded and annexed Kenya, making it the 4th Province which is part of the republic. The four Provinces are South Somalia Province, Central Somlia Province, West Somalia Province, Province of Ethopia and last but not least Kenyan Province.

The Southern Hiiraanese Province of South Somalia was First to agree on a Provisional System at the Provisional Conference in october 1958, It attracted several Southern States and its Capital Kismayo. The South Somalia Province is situated in a a Stragetic Geographical location, it Consists of the Hiiraanese states of jubada Dhexe, Jubada Hoose, Bay and Shabeellaha Hoose. Its Cultural Distinctive like all other Provinces, This is the only Province that have produced 15 of the 24 presidents that Hiiraan has produced, Its Economically and Culturally active Province. The Province of West Somalia is the smallest of the three provinces in terms of population and land area. It is situated Western area of Republic, It lays In the Middle of South Somalia, The Province of Ethopia and Central Somalia Province. Each state was annexed in the war with abssynia, back in the Late Years of Hiiraan. The details of the war included seizure of the Hiiraanese Embassy in 1910. The President then, Walid al Sumali demanded retribution for the Crimes that the corrupt leader committed. As standard policy, the President refused to negotiate with terrorists and a war broke out, lasting a full Year. It saw the complete and utter destruction of the entire military, infrastructure, and government of the Abssynia Empire. It is home to one quarter of the military of the entire Empire. The total land area is 405,720 km².

The largest province within the Somalian Provinces is the Northern Hiiraanese Province of Central Somalia. The Empire is based in Central Somalia Province, the first and oldest land of the republic. It was the original part of the islamic dominion of Hilala, which once ruled Central Somalia until 1157. The Central Somalia Province includes the following areas: Shabelleha dexhe, Muduq( Central and Southern), and Gelguduud. The capital of the Republic is here at Mogadishu and its largest city, Kismayo (South Somalia province) is the second largest city. This central province is home to the bulk of the population of the Republic and one quarter of the military of the entire Republic. The total land area is 976,139 km². 

The Province of Ethopia

The province of Ethopia is The Largest Province of all the Provinces, its Capital Addis abbaba is the Third Largest City of the Republic, The Majority of the Population consists of Ethopian decent, The People have a very diffrent Culture and a very diffrent one than that of the Somalia Provinces, The Province of Ethopia consists of the Majority of the Ethopian Territory, only Excluding a Northern Patch that was annexed by the nubudian nation. The Province is mainly Peaceful and has seen recent actions between akhtendum and Hiiraan, The Province has its own Ethopian Held but not excluding Other Hiiraanese Parliament.

The Hiiraanese Province of Kenya

The Hiiraanese Province of Kenya is the most recent province, and the Thirs Largest Province of all the Provinces, The Province was created 13 weeks ago, and came due to a military invasion of the former Kenyan Nation, The Republic was alarmed at how the now detained opposition leaders wanted to make a coup on the Pro-Hiiraan president, The President acted before a genocide against the Hiiraanese people, The President signed the entry of this province to the union on April 20th 2005.


Socotra is an Island of the Indian Ocean, The Hiiraanese Exerts a lot of Influence in the islands daily life and goverments, Hiiraan does not claim the island as its own, but never denies its heavy influence on the island, after the 'failed' Invasion of Ouea, The Socotran Goverment has been atrcted to the Beautiful Hiiraanese System, Some even say that Hiiraan should annex the small island, but the nations has never wanted to annex the island. The Only Representation in Socotra is the Hiiraanese Ministry of Ocean affairs and an the Embassy of Hiiraan


The Federal republic of Hiiraan is Located in Eastern Africa, Its Borders the Vast and Beautiful Indian Ocean, The Republic of Hiiraan has a land scale of thousands of Kilometers and a Cost line of 1,045 Kilometers, The Nation Enjoys its wealth from its natural resources, The Uranium and Coal insdustry Frolish from the Govermental Resource Policy, The Nation also has announced a reduction of Blank or Dead Trees, This has come in a loss of voters for the president and huge money stack from the logging industry.

The Southern and Western province Enjoy a wealth in Natural Gas and have benifited in some other areas including mineral mining, the most fluential being the gold and other Minerals. The Ethopian Province also Enjoys a wealth in a Propane gas that is made naturally from the earth. The Central and the Southern Provinces enjoy clean, brisk and Beautiful beaches that bring in tourist from other nations, The Nations won the Mogadishu 2005 recently, which is cancelled now, due to the Beautiful beaches in its Northern Costs and other Rich Tourist attractions.


The Federal Republic of Hiiraan has an enviable Western-style Socialist capitalist economy, with a per capita GDP on par with the four dominant West European economies. Rising output in the domestic economy, robust business and consumer confidence, and rising exports of raw materials and agricultural products are fueling the economy. Hiiraan's emphasis on reforms, low inflation, and growing ties with Djiboutian states and Astoria-Maine are other key factors behind the economy's strength. The impact of drought, weak foreign demand, and strong import demand pushed the trade deficit up from $8 billion in 2002, to $18 billion in 2003, and to $13 billion in 2004. One other concern is the rapid increase in domestic housing prices, which have raised the prospect that interest rates will need to be raised to prevent a speculative bubble.

This modern private enterprise economy has capitalized on its central geographic location, highly developed transport network, and diversified industrial and commercial base. Industry is concentrated mainly in the populous Uraban area in the Central province. With a lot natural resources, Hiiraan must export substantial quantities of raw materials and Import a large volume of manufactures, making its economy unusually independant on the state of world markets. Roughly three-quarters of its trade is with other European countries. Public debt is nearly 100% of GDP. On the positive side, the government has succeeded in balancing its budget, and income distribution is relatively equal. Hiiraan began circulating the Shillin currency in January 2002. Economic growth in 2001-03 dropped sharply because of the global economic slowdown, with a great recovery in 2004. 2005 has been promising for Hiiraan so far.

The National Stock Exchange

Originally in the Republic, shares of stock were traded somewhat informally, under the proverbial "buttonwood tree" in colonial Areas of Italian Nationals, located at what is now 68 Market Street. Very early, certain brokers began to specialize in specific issues of stock; they would both buy and sell these issues for their own accounts and also keep track of other individuals who wished to buy or sell these issues, the amount of stock that they wished to trade, and the price at which they wished to trade. These brokers came to be known as "Specialists".

In 1792, certain brokers, including some of these Specialists, banded together into what would ultimately become the Federal Stock Exchange (FSE), and a year later they moved inside, to the Tontine Coffee House, primarily to get out of the winter weather. They agreed to trade only among themselves and only in stocks issued by selected companies. Over time, Specialists gained additional responsibilities and additional privileges. The primary additional responsibility was to "maintain an orderly market" for the stocks that they specialized in, by serving as the buyer or seller of last resort, so to speak. To compensate them for this risk they received a small commission on each transaction in the stocks that they covered, even when they themselves were not a participant in the transaction.

The remaining brokers remained outdoors and traded stocks issued by other companies. In the 1920’s a second group of brokers, including some specialists, again banded together, for somewhat the same reasons, and formed the Hiiraanese Stock Exchange (HSE). The remaining brokers also moved inside around this time, but into individual offices, where they primarily traded the smaller companies which had not been accepted for trading on either of the two exchanges. These stocks were quite literally traded "over the counter" in these broker’s offices. Each broker would post the prices that they would buy (the bid price) or sell (the asked price) each stock that they actively traded, often recording them on nothing more permanent than a chalk board behind the counter. These OTC brokers would buy and sell for their own accounts, and would also keep track of orders from other investors. At the end of the day, prices were gathered by runners and consolidated into the "Pink Sheets" which were then distributed to each of these OTC brokers early the next day.

In 1971, The National Stock Exchange (NSE) began to automate this process, so as to speed communications between these OTC brokers, thus developing the system which exists today.

The National Stock Exchange (NSE) is the largest Hiiraanese electronic stock market. With approximately 3,300 companies, it lists more companies and, on average, trades more shares per day than any other Hiiraanese market. It is home to category-defining companies that are leaders across all areas of business including technology, retail, communications, financial services, transportation, media and biotechnology. The National Stock Exchange is the primary market for trading NSE-listed stocks. Approximately 54% of NSE-listed shares traded are reported to The National Stock Exchange systems.


The primary language spoken in The Federal republic of Hiiraan is Somali, and it is taught in every school in the Republic. All citizens are required to know, speak, understand, and write in Somali. There are no laws against speaking other languages in the privacy of one's own home or in public. However, there are dual language lawsin somalia, The Second Language of the Republic is Arabic, However the Ethopian province has the only non-somali First language which is Amhari. Signs are written in only Somali and English, instructions in only Somali, and documents in only Somali and Arabic. Heritage of the country dictates that Somali is the only language that is dominant. Citizens are encouraged to know and speak other languages, especially if they are business professionals, to expediate and assist with trade and ecnomics but there are no requirements for a second language. Of the populace, some 98% are literal meaning that they can read, write, understand, and speak the language. Females outnumber the males by 3.5% and outlive the males by some 6 years, dying on the average, at 83. There is no universal retirement age as there is no social security but often people will retire from work in their early 60s, However the Goverment supplies a 'requested Social Security' which is given to only to people who request that social securoty be taken from them in every Job they have. This 'requested' form of social security can only be made to the people who will make a 20 year commitment.


Reunification and the Impact

Somalia was Reunited under the Strong banner of Hiiraan, which defeated many rivals who wished harm apon it. After the defeat of those warmongering nations, Hiiraan bravely secured the Somalian North to finally after decades of seperation re-unite the Somali states.

After reunification the economy flourished and the world was never seen the sanme again.

Further Information

Government Category Democratic Socialist ( a Republic )
Government Priority Military&Goverment
Economic Rating Good
Civil Rights Rating Below Average
Political Freedoms good
Major Industry Sports and Mining industry
Exchange Rate 1 Shillin = $2
Gross Domestic Product Some Billions of Shillis
GDP per Capita $38,581.69
Unemployment Rate 2.18%