The Extra-Dimensional Declaration

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Exerpt of a 15 hour long speech given by de facto leader of the Erisiyan Peoples, Sk'ot, to the General Erisiyan Synod (translated from Esperanto):

Sk'ot: Lo, peoples of Erisiya Montanya we are being threatened! The ungainly forces of the [Vengeful Clowns]] prepare to launch upon our Eris-blessed shores. Something must be done!
General Erisiyan Synod: Rabble Rabble Rabble!
Sk'ot: Something must be done! I, as the de facto leader of Erisiya Montanya have a really bright idea, cause that's how I roll. You see, the Vengeful Clowns cannot attack a country that doesn't exist!
General Erisiyan Synod: *silence*
Sk'ot: I propose we temporarily relocate our nation to a higher dimension, until the threat of Vengeful Clowns has passed. That way, our entire population can dine on fairy cakes while the Vengeful Clown fleet sails around empty ocean in utter befuddlement!
General Erisiyan Synod: Rabble Rabble Rabble!