Happy Euphoria

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Happy Euphoria
It was here a second ago...I'M NOT LAZY!!
Flag of Happy Euphoria
Motto: If you're happy and you know it, clap your hands!!
You're not lost, why do you need one?
Region Malibu Islands
Capital Happy City
Official Language(s) English, Euphorian
Leader Mr. Happy Euphoria
Population 415,000,000
Currency euphoria 
NS Sunset XML

How Happy Euphoria came to be

Recent space explorations have found out that the moon IS really made of....whoops, wrong channel.

Announcer: This is the H.E. Science channel.

Ahem. Recent explorations have found on Happy Euhproia's left island...hey, shouldn't we know more about the geography before we get into all this crud? Onward!

Geography and such

First of all, yes, Happy Euphoria is an Island. Actually, one island made into two (the left and right for those without any sense of direction) that happened by a gigantic flood that happened approximatley 5 B.H.E. (Before Happy Euphoria), thus causing several communities to be washed away, however, destruction was not too bad...for those not living in the middle of the island. (At that time, 99.9% of the population live in direct path of the flood, just by random chance. There is one mountain, looming on the right side, in the middle of the jungle. Currently, it hosts H.E.'s only ski resort. The rest is either jungles or beaches. It's a tropical island, what did you expect? Besides the ski resort....

How Happy Euphoria came to be, part II

Recent scientific explorations have found H.E.'s left island is NOT made of kool-aid. HA! That got your attention.

Anyway, these recent explorations, led by a man mysteriously named Cy Ence, recentley found several wrecked SUVs slightly below the surface, obviously showing signs of probably intelligent life. These SUVs are currently on display at the Happy City DMV. Besides that, there are also some rotted bananas, probably half-digested from some Happy Hippos. What does this have to do with its formation? We don't know!!! Thank you for reading this pointless section.

Happy City

Happy City, on the right island, surrounding the ski resort/mountain. 86% of the population is flood survivors, 4% ski resort workers, and 20% other.

89% are human beings. 94% are registered to vote. 50% of you don't care, obviously.

Happy City is also the 'economic capital' of Happy Euphoria, featuring HECK, (Happy Euphoria Channeled K-products (K stands for demoKracy)) controlled by the government. Plus, there are also other businesses, but oh well.

The political capital of Happy Euphoria is not here. Oh no no no. Next section, please!