Hogsweatian-Tiburonese War

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After the fall of the United Alliance of Progressive States, the region of Haven underwent massive change, with the entry of new nations and the disappearance of others. Among the new nations that made Haven their home were Hogsweat (the Soviet Union of) and Tiburon (the United Solaris Federation of), a former UnAPS member.

Hogsweat soon established itself as an aggressively imperialist nation, and expanded its territory south to South Haven Island, east after the fall of Riannen to the edge of East Haven Island, and into West Haven Island, where it established the province of Chukraine. The province bordered Shen-Zhou, formerly a _Taiwanese settlement.

The major problem started when the democratic government of Shen-Zhou fell, leaving the space open for invasion. Tiburon, believing that the _Taiwanese administrators of Shen-Zhou would return, sent a military force over to the region to continue protecting the democratic government and the people of the nation. Hogsweat, sensing a takeover and presumably wanting the land for itself, threatened war on Tiburon, although Tiburon assured Hogsweat that the military presence was only temporary.

Soon after the Hogsweatian-Kriegorgradi War ended, Hogsweat moved troops over to the Chukranian/Shen-Zhouan border and left them there for quite some time, provoking only a mild military buildup from Tiburon. Months later, in a move that should not have been a surprise, Hogsweatian forces invaded Shen-Zhou.


February 10, New Common Era 200- Hogsweatian forces storm the border between Chukraine and Hogsweat, move 200 miles inside border in center

February 10th to 11th- Tiburonese forces counterattack, push back behind border at coast and at Caras Galadon border

February 12th- Hogsweatian forces at the bulge move back to reinforce edges, Tiburonese forces reclaim bulge

February 13th- Tiburonese forces pushed back to border, line of control now same from beginning of war

February 14th- The New Year Offensive/ The Valentine’s Day Offensive. A Shen-Zhouan militia, the Shen-Zhou Civil Defense Force, carries out a Tet-style offensive against Hogsweatian forces throughout Chukraine from over Caras Galadon border. Extremely effective in weakening Hogsweatian forces, but neither the SZCDF nor Tiburon follow through.

February 16th- The Final Offensive. Hogsweatian forces try to make a massive push over the border, unsuccessful

February 18th- Treaty of New T’aipei ends the Hogsweatian-Tiburonese War.


Almost immediately after the war, the people of Shen-Zhou did what the Hogsweatians hoped to avoid by the war- Tiburonese annexation of Shen-Zhou. In fact, it is ironically precisely because of the war that the people of Shen-Zhou, who now saw Tiburon as their protectors, voted to merge with Tiburon. Tiburon, which intended all along to preserve Shen-Zhou for _Taiwan, asked permission from _Taiwan before annexing Shen-Zhou. On May 10th, NCE 200 - just 3 months after the beginning of the war - Shen-Zhou became the 95th Tiburonese state.

An interesting side note is that Tiburon hardly used any of its forces during the war. There has been much speculation whether government bureaucracy forced Tiburon to provide so little support. However, based on internal memos and personal accounts, most historians agree that Tiburon simply did not see Hogsweat as a threat.