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Flag of Azaha
Motto: Dark Days of chaos are over, now we shall reak vengeance.
[Map URL], or No Map Available Yet
Region Azaha Stystem
Capital Azaha IV, New Azaha City
Official Language(s) Imperial Latin, Basic(English)
Leader The one known as Centurion
Population 2 billion
Currency Azahan Credit 
NS Sunset XML

History, Early Azaha

Long ago, in the days when technology was young, and interstellar spaceflight was but a dream, there existed a nation, part of a collection of six that ruled the planet.

The nation that was known as Azaha ruled with five other powers, each with their own specific task within the planet-wide empire. Many of the names are lost to time due to the destruction of the sacred libraries upon the late Azaha Prime, only a few remain knowledgable.

Midgarus, the banking arm. This nation dealt with the money dealings within the empire, the great alliance. Quelard, the mining and manufacturing arm. This nation dealt with the production of everything, from vast weapons of war, to paper plates. The Throne, the ruling body, seat of the Emporer upon the peak of the eternal mountian. And the last known nation of old, Azaha, the military arm. In the old days, this was the acting military strength in the empire, tasked with destroying the alliances' enemies, and quelling insurgencies. The other two are lost to time, and will most likely remain that way.

History, the coming of age.

The alliance prospered only for a short while after uniting the planet. Soon riots broke out of control, rebels sprouted on every continent, civilians found ways to aquire weapons and vehicles. Soon the amount of anti-imperialism was too much for the nation of Azaha to handle, so the rest of the nations were left to build their own militaries, militaries of no experiance or training. The grand alliance started to splinter. Smaller nations that were were incorporated into the Grand Nations so many centuries ago, started to break off. Soon the planet was thrown into turmoil, as the once Grand alliance and empire was nearly shattered.

Soon, Azaha was completely overwhelmed. Their military power diminished rapidly, war after war. Slowly, the once grand imperial military forces were whittled to nearly nothing, and Azaha was left with only a small enough force to keep several thousand miles of border secure for themselves. Even before Azaha was brought to its knees, the other aspects of the empire were hard troubled, but now with the complete fall of the military power, the rest of the empire buckled under the pressure, and fell apart. The Imperial palace and throne were stormed, and the emperor, descended from a pure bloodline dating back thousands of years, was killed without an heir. That was the last stroke, and the empire crumbled completely.

History, the aftermath

In the following years, other developing nations started to prosper. Space programs were in full swing. The other planets within the system were colonized, or being used as mining installations. Each nation had a meager space fleet, the biggest consisting of five ships, each ship poorly made, as with any first attempt.

Sadly, none of this was done in unity. Nations bickered and fought, individual nations started threats with nuclear weapons. Soon, after another century after the fall of the Grand Empire, society had crumbled, and the world was on the brink of nuclear war. It took an act of terrorism to halt the launching of nuclear weapons. Satellites armed with ion cannons were hacked by terrorists, and fired at nuclear installations. Though by accident, almost the entire world’s power supplies were knocked out for almost a year, it stopped the threat of a nuclear holocaust. Later in the history, these “terrorists” were revered as heroes, for stopping inevitable doom.

History, the comeback tour

After almost destroying themselves, nations started to once again talk civilly, there were still scruffs and small conflicts here and there, but over all, the planet was safe. The same could not be said about Azaha.

Azaha was left in the armpit of world society. Forgotten about, and when remembered, remembered as tyrannical nation of evildoers. Nations refused to help their old master, and left the now small insignificant nation to fend for themselves. The same went for the entire alliance, who were also left to rot. The only exception was The Throne, which did not exist. The ancient and eternal mountain, in which The Throne was located, was now a popular tourist attraction for skiing and the like.

Finally, it took one man, one visionary, one leader to make Azaha what it once was, as well as the rest of the Grand Alliance. He was voted in quietly, democratically. In his campaigns within the broken nation, he promised subtle economic growth, more jobs, better standards of living, and trying to start trade again with other nations. As soon as he took office, he crowned himself king of Azaha, and strangely enough, the people did not mind, and followed his will.

His name was Gustable, always to be remembered as the greatest military tactician Azaha, and the world had ever known. He turned an impossibly weak and nearly non-existent military into an elite crack bunch of men. Yet he did not openly wage war. For several years, he did covert operations, sabotage, and spying. One by one, the countries around and near Azaha encountered rebellions, massive economical depressions, and great atrocities of terrorism. After these countries fell, Gustable moved his small military into the ravaged countries, and assumed control. Again, oddly enough, the rebellion ceased, terrorism was at an all time low, and the economies started to boom again. Soon, he took control of seven “mediocre” countries, added their militaries and resources to his own, and made one great country, one great small empire, The Empire of Azaha

These actions did not go unnoticed however. Soon after Azaha started to gain much power, other countries feared that the old masters would return and enslave or destroy them all. Massive coalitions were formed, aimed at striking at Azaha. But the actions didn’t go unnoticed in a good way. The former imperial nations, such as Midgarus and Quelard, and the others joined the cause. It took little more than a few months to conquer the grounds separating the old imperial nations, and soon, the once worldwide empire spanned a whole continent. This alone would not save them against the rest of the world, so some sort of diplomacy was needed.

Publicly, the alliance showed themselves to reduce their militaries. They agreed with the one great coalition that they would not conquer anymore, and pay reparations to the nations they did take over. Though not even close to the original number of individual nations returned to normal, a few were able to break off peacefully and resume their lives.

History, the great reuniting

Ever so slowly, the Alliance nations started to withdraw troops, and disband legions. Azaha and he allied nations then turned to the skies. Space, the supposed final frontier. Within a year, the Alliance nations, with the help of the now great Quelard manufacturing nation, started to build great space docks in orbit. The orbit was already crowded with space docks from all the other smaller nations, so some diplomacy was taken. Nearly ten massive installations were bought out by Midgarus, the banking arm of the alliance. Planning and construction were started on three sister ships, the later models soon to be known as the “Azaha Guardian” class ships.

Back on solid ground, tensions started to rise once again. The greatest coalition nation, The United Federation of Kalanta, started to experience terrorist activity, and minor rebellions and riots. Kalantar immediately caught on, knowing that this is how Azaha took control of the other nations around them. Forces were rallied, the coalition was reformed completely, and armies set across the seas to assault the imperial continent.

Of course Azaha was behind the minor uprisings within Kalanta, and the massive invasion played right into his hands. In space, the construction of the three large ships masked the true objective: repair the long disabled ion cannons in orbit. At the last moment, when the navies of the nations were gathered off the shores of the continent in various places, the ion cannons were activated, and fired. Entire fleets became disabled. The new weapons systems of the time, consisting of advanced lasers and plasma weapons were made useless. Only one of the weaker nations within the coalition still held projectile weapons, and they were quickly dealt with, with submarine strikes. The disabled fleets were bombed into submission, the few ships that could return home, did, leaving the primary nations defenseless with almost no forces to defend them.\

So started the greatest invasion in the history of the planet. Massive air strikes were launched with carpet bombers. Azaha had the technology from Quelard to use precision weapons, but this was a war of vengeance, they wanted to conquer, and destroy as much as possible. The ion cannons were used time and time again, disabling whole cities and nuclear silos. In space, the meager fleets of the other nations were destroyed by nuclear weapons launched from the ground. Azaha didn’t even have a space fleet yet, but was able to conquer all in orbit. Finally, the killing blows. After the invasions ravaged the rest of the world, the seemingly crazed and insane Gustable launched Azaha’s nuclear arsenal at the rest of the world. Billions were killed, nations and cities ceased to exist, and all major opposition was crushed once and for all. Glory for Gustable, the planet was now taken by the alliance.

History, nuclear holocaust

Victory was not all it cracked up to be. In the following years of the nuclear attacks, radiations and fallout spread to the imperial continent. Millions more died. Shelters were created all too late. Some survived, most died horrible deaths.

Even through this horrid time, Gustable found time to rebuild the great throne upon the eternal mountain. He made it a fortress with the best technology possible, and the greatest riches of the world. In laboratories, research started on making super soldiers. The Imperial Guard as they were called. They wore hulking suits of armor, and carried .75 caliber weapons. It seemed impossible that such beasts were created, how the know-how was obtained. No technology existed of that kind, yet still these super soldiers were created, with striking similarities of the Grey Knights that come much later in history.

For another century, Gustable lived on. With the technology he seemed to pull from his posterior, he was able to prolong his life, and the lives his closest generals. Now Gustable was known as one man, one being. He conquered an entire planet, seemed immortal now, and created a palace-fortress that covered an entire mountain. He was now known, and worshipped by some, as God.

History, the fall of a god

Just as subtly as Gustable was brought into office, he died subtly. For reasons unknown, his complete mechanical enhancements that kept him alive failed. He deteriorated rapid, and died within minutes of his deactivation, nothing left except for dust, bones, and broken electronics. No one could figure out the causes for this. The general media(That were allowed to report on what they wanted, as long as certain restrictions were in place) asked the emperors closest aids. None got any answers. Soon there were secret investigations underway to find out the truth. Some say that one team found out, but were locked away, along with the secret; others say there was nothing except for a freak accident that killed the emperor.

After the death of Gustable, civil uprisings started to occur once again. The civilian population, long ravaged by nuclear fallout, and inadequate food supplies started to riot once again, since their god was now dead. Along with that, the alliance was still without a leader. The top generals within the Azaha arm refused to ascend to the throne, frightened that the throne is indeed bad luck, and they would be blamed for the further downfall of the civilization and the empire.

For five more years, the decline started to take its serious toll. Azaha was put on the forefront of the blame, since they heralded the great and cruel Gustable. Alliance members once again started to break away from the Grand Alliance, in turn calling Azaha weak and pitiful because they could not maintain civilians. Soon the Alliance ceased contact with Azaha, all except for Quelard, the manufacturing arm. Quelard only remained allies for another year before, just to squeeze out the last bit of profit from Azaha, before cutting them off.

That was the last straw. Azaha had seen their allies abandon them time and time again through history. The make-believe grandeur and power was not always what it was. There were always secret rivalries and bitter feelings, all kept in check by the past emperors. But now there was no emperor once again, and now the tensions reached a max for the last time.

Bring the last of the brute strength to bare, Azaha started a frantic conquering of their former allies. Azahan generals, individual from each other, took their armies every which way. One general noticed the problems of this. Even though the separate armies could easily conquer the other aspects, he knew that if this separation continued, Azaha would simply splinter, and make their own nations, or they would turn on each other, and the world would truly be doomed once again.

So then, this general, known as Nearo, waited until the rest of the continent and former allies had been conquered, all Azahan forces met with pitiful resistance by the local defense forces. Then, he sprung his plan. By bribing, and promising the officers of the conflictive generals, he assured his chance for lordship over them.

Within days after officially conquering the continent, bloody coups occurred. The rival generals were killed, and the officer corp. took over the armies. They all pledged their allegiance to their new king, the grand emperor, Emperor Nearo.

History, the coming of the Ordo Malleus

The continent, and beyond now belonged to Azaha, and Emperor Nearo. In space, the mining colonies that resisted Azaha rule were destroyed. The PDF’s (Planetary defense forces) of Azaha IV and Azaha III were destroyed from orbit by the newly created ships, Uraj, Azaha Guardian, and the Pax Imperia. All were great battleships unto themselves, it seemingly impossible that the current Azahans were able to build such warships, with their still relatively low and weak technology.

Shortly after the complete conquest of the system, strange occurrences started to occur. Something earlier coined as “Warp storms” were starting to leak every so slightly into the system, disrupting communications. In later unclassified information made by Gustable, it was revealed that the Azaha system was in the middle of a warp storm, and now it started to intensify.

On the outer mining colonies, villages were being destroyed and killed in quick succession. Tales of four legged red hounds, multi-colored sprouts of unknown material spewing out fire of the other-worldly kind.