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Flag of Palacetonia
Motto: Have YOU got anything to hide?
No Map Available Yet
Region Union of Crazed Palace Fans
Capital Dowie
Official Language(s) English, Selhurstian
Leader Dear Leader
Population 476 Million
Currency Dwper 
NS Sunset XML


Dear Leader was arrested in his previous Country for opposing the illegal Government over its plans for the torture of terrorist suspects.

After being bravely busted from prison by his party colleagues, he hid away on a tanker. Fog descended after 10 days at sea and continued for 40 days. When it has lifted, miraculously, there was land and Dear Leader along with the tanker crew settled upon it and named it Palacetonia.

When the population reached 100 million, there was a major reorganisation of the Nation to include 3 Provinces each with their own Governors. They are: Holmesdale; Norwood and Selhurst. A variant of English developed in the Selhurst Province has been adopted as one of the offical languages called Selhurstian

Politics of the Nation

A two chamber Parliament with voluntary voting using Proportional Representation. In homage to the origins of the Nation, tends to be centre/left of centre with emphasis on education, free trade, and environmental issues.


Dear Leader

He is the Prime of the Cabinet and lifelong President.

Under him are the Secretaries of: Administrative Affairs; Defence; Education; Health; Interior; Tax and Immigration; Transport and Environment; Welfare and the Province Governors.

UN Mission

The Ambassador Plenipontiary

After being educated at the top state school and Law at University, she entered a fast track Diplomat Service scheme. Rapid promotion followed after successes in negotiating the purchase of a tract of land to allow Palacetonia to expand her borders and Dear Leader chose her to head the UN Mission.

The Ambassador Plenipontiary also has her own team. They currently consist of The Education Aide; the Law Chancellor and the Trade and Industry Aide

Country Codes
Currency Code: PADW
Nation Code: PATA