Paulo Ribeiro

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Paulo Ribeiro
1886 - 1933
El Grande Revolucionario
Leader of the Indipendence war.

El Grande Revolucionario Paulo Ribeiro - Leader of the Freedonian Indipendence war and several other small revolutions in the Latin America.

After a younth as pastor, he decided to follow the revolutionary theories of Ivanhoe J. Tiserian. In exile since 1907, on Argatovia, he joined the Argatovian army, which left after 3 years. Then, he started to create an illegal indipendentist army against the Turtlish occupiers. On 1917, with a group of Freedonian fighters, he attacked and liberated Freeburg, starting the revolution for the liberation of Freedonia.

After the finish of the civil war, he retired in the caribbean archipelago of Jughena, which he liberated and created a new free nation, which he was the president.