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Forum: http://www.5wwwww5.com/forum/index.php?mforum=lacosanastra
Population: 38 nations
Delegate: Cataduanes
Founder: North Cadia
Info: NSEconomy RC XML


A federated union, dominated by Northern Cadia, it has an ancient history whose origins are shrouded in the mists of antiquity, its earlier history was characterised by peace and prosperity, however the great 'Republican war' known in the UNFR as the 'Great UNFR Rebellion', in which the warmongering and shadowy invaders identified as the Republican Brotherhood attempted to take advantage of the UNFR during a period when North Cadia was pre-occupied with internal matters, led to a bitter struggle in which the remnants of the UNFR were re-united under the Black and White eagle banner and the invaders repulsed, amid the devastation new nations emerged and North Cadia resumed its traditional leadership of the region, the reconstruction of the region continues unabated, with the nations rallying to the call of Emperor Conrad of North Cadia in an attempt to halt any further invasions. With the main invasion defeated the UNFR has eagerly reached out to contact new regions and opened up peace talks with the Republican Brotherhood however due to covert military ops conducted by the Brotherhood on UNFR soil the peace talks collapsed. Despite these difficulties the internal renewal of the UNFR goes on and nation numbers are growing.

The constitution of the UNFR is largely federal in character however the office of head of state rests within the domain of North Cadia, however real power resides equally between the Federal Presidency, Senate and Government ministries.

Alliances: Lesser Antilles, The Cadian Empire, Shadows Domain, UR, the KGB, Federation of Allied Nations, Brotherhood of Illuminati, Pacific NW, Non Aligned States

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Our Government

Founder: North Cadia

Minister of Defence: The Devils Fleet

Minister of Foriegn Affairs: Cataduanes

Minister of Internal Affairs: TBA

Minister of Communications and Propaganda: Heristalia

Delegate: Cataduanes

Senators: The Devils Fleet,The Manchu March, Heristalia, Vandalorum and Cataduanes