Nasty Pasty

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Nasti Pasti "Nasty Pasty"
Name of Office (1): First Consul of the Imperial Pastocian Senate
Term of Office: 2050-2052
Predecessor: Emperor Mktaisan of the Austrian Empire
Successor: Pastus Wilhelm
Name of Office (2): Second Consul of the Imperial Pastocian Senate
Term of Office: 2052-2053
Date of Birth: September 7th, 2010 (STS)
Place of Birth: Cherson, Austria-Hungary
Profession: Politician
Political party: Pastocian Communist Party

Nasty Pasty was the first Consul of the Republic of Pastocia, and one of it's founding fathers.

He was born in the nation of Austria-Hungary into a poor, working class family. Fed up with the poor conditions of the country, he rose to power in the underground Communist Party and led the assault which captured the Austrian Capital of Vienna.

After the revolution, Nasty Pasty was at the forefront of the Communist Party and helped set up elections for the first group of Senators for the new Pastocian Senate. After the elections, the body of 500 elected Senators voted unanimously to have Nasty Pasty become the First Consul of the Imperial Senate.

During the first months of his term, Nasty Pasty extended the olive Branch to other nations in PEEL, quickly signing numerous treaties with foreign powers and soon gaining Pastocia's membership to the COMECON Alliance. Pasty worked hard to befriend the numerous Socialist nations of PEEL including Nurdbotia, Zedoljev, and Ivorila, attempting to gain respect as a powerful new communist country.

But Pasty's open armed diplomacy and his disregard for his own safety in order to be a more intimate politician almost cost him his life. In early 2052, Pasty was kidnapped on a diplomatic visit to the neighboring country of Sunset. This was caused due to a severe lack of security forces protecting the visiting Consul. Although he was rescued soon later, and his kidnappers killed, the incident showed a serious weakness in Pasty, who stepped up his security detail afterwards.

Right after his rescue, Pasty decided to gracefully abdicate the position of First Consul so he can spend more time with his family. He was later appointed as Head Foreign Minister under his cousin, Second Consul Pastus Wilhelm's administration.

During his term as Foreign Minister in 2053, Pasty accomplished a full diplomatic trip around the entire PEEL Region, visiting over a dozen countries and strengthening Pastocia's image more than ever before. Unfortunetly, due to the threat of war with the Obsidian Order, the trip was cut short.