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Flag of Enrosol
Motto: Gesundhiet
Region Adriatic Dalmatia
Capital Blitzkrieg
Official Language(s) Deutsch, Russian, Minial, English
Leader King Ichon V
Population 1.046 billion
Currency Enro Kroner 
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"Koomonvealt Sovietskiy sa Enrusol'"(Minial)-Soviet Commonwealth of Enrosol(EN-roe-Sawl)

Head of State: King Ichon V

Head of Government: Chancellor Johann Tamerlane

National Anthem

Enrosol's national anthem is called "Ode to Transvaal". The name Transvaal is given to one of the oldest districts in Blitzkrieg, and the believed region where Enro the Conqueror was born. Transvaal is also a disputed region in north west Cyrillisol.


Enrosol is a vast and stunning nation known for its intriguing history and government. It started out as a region controlled by nomad Minites. They lived quietly on the mid-coastal regions of what is now Minah and Cyrillisol. Out of this civilization came a man who proclaimed himself king, Enro the Conqueror. Enro spent his life leading his people to domination over the surrounding regions, and by the time of his death, his army had Conquered the most of modern day Enrosol. These lands were informally called Enro's Lands, or Enro's sols, in Minial language. The Empire came to be simply dubbed Enrosol, and kept its power for centuries to come. Enro's predecessors have been the Kings and Queens of the nation, and for a very long time, it was an absolute monarchy.

In 1915, there was an economic slump, and the reigning king, Sebastion VII, decided to take the government into his own hands. He felt the best way to strengthen the economic structure was to implement a Socialist Government doctrine. Enrosol changed from The Kingdom of Enrosol to The Soviet Commonwealth of Enrosol the following year. Contrary to popular belief, the King and his predeccessors stayed in power, but the then Prime Minister was given more influence over parliament, and his and his successors' title was switched to "Chancellor". Another change was the territorial gains. The far eastern provinces of Tiberia, Eridanus and Manchuria were annexed within a decade folllowing the change.

Enrosol has maintained a good international relationship with it's neighbors. Through the struggles in neighboring Reformed Yugoslavia, Enrosol has provided financial and moral support. It strongly supports President Jasic of Yugoslavia. In the Rhodesian crisis of 1934, Taksterian platinum miners began to demand fair wages and even sovereingty. Thier solution was to break off northern Taksteria and form the Republic of Rhodesia, under their union leader, Basil Rhodes. This lasted less than a month, when King Adelyn II sent in his Royal Army to take back control of the region. The Rhodesian supporters were severely punished but none worse than their leader, Mr. Rhodes, who was stripped of his posessions, and sent into exile on the sparseley inhabited Aqueduct island. The "Republic of Rhodesia" was incorporated back into the Commonwealth, but acheived Provincial status within a year, thanks to the importance of the platinum industry, and the signifigance of it's miners. In the western province of Carpathia, there was civil unrest, as the Carpathians began to dislike the decisions of the King, vying for a more Communist approach to the Socialist government. In 1987, the Federation of Carpathia invaded the soveriegn provinces of Ceylon and Helvetica, annexing several key districts, and making it all the way to the Ceylonite capital, to torch the provincial legislature. The building and capital survived, but many Ceylonites were killed, and much of the province was occupied by Carpathia until 1994, when the Federal Government stepped in, several years late, critics said, after Carpathia brutally invaded Gottland, but the Gottlanders put up a solid fight, and the Gottland war only lasted 2 years. Helvetica was also invaded, but not as badly as Ceylon or Gottland, and the extremists were captured and tried, eventually coming before the reigning King, who decided they be sent into exile on the island of Kursk, which lies in Carpathian territory. Over 3 million were given this fate, and Carpathia has since lost some veto power in the government as a result. When to North-West war, as it was called, came to an end, Ceylon and Helvetica signed a co-operative treaty to form the Federation of Ceylon and Helvetica. This treaty was designed to maintain good relations between the two provinces, therefore, if on has trouble, the other will send aid. If either is invaded, the other will automatically come and offer support, and even go as far as to declare war in the invaders. The two provinces have since considered joining to form one autonomous province under the name The Federation of Ceylon and Helvetica. It remains to be seen whether this will occur. In recent years, the economy has slowly plummetted, influencing the government to possibly reconsider the Socialist system.


The system of government is often compared to an imperial parliament. The masses are greatly represented in three differnt legislative houses. The most influential of them is the House of Commons, where the Chancellor and his opposition debate national issues. The upper house is the Royal Senate, where members are appointed personally be the king to give approval of bills and documents. The third house is somewhat separate, but most honoured. It is the Hall of Ambassadors. This chamber is occupied by 80 elected officials called ambassadors, 5 for every province, no matter what its size or population. The number 5 was chosen long ago to avoid deadlock votes by ambassador groups. It is the most prestigious position in federal government, other than the speakers of the houses. The reigning Monarch is often required to preside over ambassadors meetings. These steps are taken to ensure fair representation of all people in all elements of parliament, making Enrosol the most Democratic Socialist Regime known to the world.

Notable Cities

The Capital of Enrosol is Blitzkrieg, a deutsch word meaning all out warfare, a technique Enro the Conqueror implemented to capture the city from his rivals. Nearby islanders had formed a settlement in Enro's home vilage, and this angered Enro to the point that he rallied his army to take back the region with force. They easily did, as the islanders had no defence. Upon victory, Enro planted a flag bearing his great seal, which can be seen contained in an olive wreath on the national flag to this day. With his lands mostly conquered, he established a city from which they could all be admistered, and called it Blitzkrieg. He also designed an began to build a fortification for the government and his royal predeccessors to reside. This would be Blitzkrieg citadel, situated on an island in the juction between the Cyrillic and Tigris rivers. This citadel remains to this day, and still serves as the national headquarters of the state, legislative, and judicial branches of government.

Here are the Gates leading to the Blitzkrieg Citadel[[1]]

Battlegrad, the capital of Tiberia, was the site of a fierce series of Battles concerning the soveriengty of Tiberia. Enro's armies stormed the region hoping to take the Tiberian capital quickly. This did not happen, as the Tiberians were quite prepared, and put up a strong fight. Enro's armies retreated, but came back within a week, trying again for control of the capital, then known as Teran-kaya. After a number of wins and losses, Enro gained control of the city and incorporated Tiberia into his Enrosol. Some years later, to commemorate the fighting that took place, Teren-kaya held a referendum to change the name of the city to Battlegrad, and it passed.

P.s. You'll notice I stole a lot of place names, but I made sure to use names that aren't often used anymore.