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Manussa covers a land mass of 1,071,063sqkm, which includes the Island of Attica just off the Manussan coast.

Flag flag36wq.gif
Flag of Manussa
Motto: Honour,Serve,Protect,obey
Region The Eurasian Republic
Capital Mercadia City
Official Language(s) (s)Russian,Manussite,Mercadian,Gaelic
Leader Luke Carl Ventresca
Population 432 million
Currency Manussan Rouble 
NS Sunset XML

Manussa is split into 15 Provinces or states. Each one operates semi autonously from central government

1 Central District

The Central District is made up entirely of the two cities Manussa and Mercadia City both operate under one name Mercadia and make up the nations capital

State language Mercadian/Manussite

state population 5 million

Principle River Merca

The unusual thing about the Central District is that it has its own army seperate from Manussan National forces called the Cateran Guild who protect the Central District and government.

2 Manussa

The state of Manussa is the original country that formed the socialists states formed through royal marriages conquests and negotiations to make the huge state it is today

state language Manussite/Gaelic/Mercadian (bordelands only)

State population 4.5 million

Principle river Suavan and Dravveo

State Capital Krovac City

The main exports of the state of Manussa are flax, coal and iron ore Te main imports are grain, live stock and electrical goods Manussa also boasts having the largest port of the Sarvic sea called Gregorgrad

3 Atticca Island

Attica Island is off the coast of Manussa and is the main source of fishing from both the Sarvic and Kraven seas.

Atticca Island is quite a mountainous island making crop farming difficult but livestock in the shape of sheep and goats thrives. Atticcan climate is also a lot milder and warmer than mainland Manussa making it a popular holiday destination for Manussans everywhere.

Atticca is also the home of three submarine bases which are used to protect the coast line of Manussa

State Population 880,000

state Capital St Elmoville

languages Gaelic/Manussite

Atticca Islands has no rivers but uses a series of canals to ship from one town to another the main canl runs from St Elmoville in the north to Lucia in the south with all the smaller canals branching off of it. The main canal is called Grand Atticcan water way.

4 Molovia

Molovia inhabites the