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Type of religion: Polytheistic
Founded: unknown
God(s): Endras, Gildii, Montha, Aranga, Fillimir, Dondre
Holy texts: Book of the gods
Followers: 200 million
Practised in: Swilatia
sacred areas: Grand Temple

General information

Frinastism is a Polytheistic Religion widely followed in Swilatia (Ranked second on ceensus, with atheism taking first), but almost never followed in other nations. Frinastism has its roots back to Ancient Swilatia, as it evolved from ancient swilatian beliefs. Frinastism has six major gods and thousands of minor gods. Frinastists believe that one is reincarnated the second they die, but only if they follow the nine duties. The name Frinastism comes from the ancient swilatian word for truth, as many Frinastists believe that Frinastism is the only true religion.

The Gods

An element circle, which is the sybol Frinasism and its gods

There are six major gods, The full names of the six major gods are:

- Endras, god of the time and king of the gods

- Gildii, goddess of the winds

- Montha, god of the sun

- Aranga, goddess of the water

- Fillimir, god of the fire

- Dondre, goddess of the land.

There are also many minor gods, which are usually not worshipped by all frinastistists. In ancient times, many Swilatian cities designated a minor god as their patron god, and they were worshipped by the citizens of their cities as much as the sixth duty will allow.

The Nine Duties of Frinastism

Frinastism, like Judaism, Christianity, and Islam, has rules to abide by, called the nine duties, which are:

first duty: Thou must pray to the six major gods every day, each at a different time of day.

second duty: Thou must not speak the name of any god, major or minor, when outside a frinastist temple.

third duty: Only the high priest shall wear yellow clothing on a monday.

fourth duty: Thou must make mondays, and no other day except holidays holy.

fith duty: Thou must not Marry one who is not follower of frinastism.

sixth duty: Thou must not treat minor gods as major gods.

seventh duty: Thou must worship the six major gods in a way as if they had equal importance.

eigth duty: Thou must not allow one who is not a follower of Frinastism into a Frinastist temple.

ninth duty: Thou must make a six day pilgramage to the one and the only grand temple once in thy life.