East Bank

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East Bank
Nation: Sicinia Salis
Capital: Alphonse
Leader: Comte Nathan du Alphonse


  • 62% Sicinii
  • 37% Akaeian
  • 1% Other

For much of Sicinian history the River Salis has been the border between Akaeia and Sicinia Salis, leading to frontier mixing unlike other regions farther to the east. Most of the towns along the East Bank of the Salis have at least two names: one in Akaeian and the other Sicinian. Some towns do not have a Sicinian name at all, and even after the conquest of the West Bank Akaeian is still commonly spoken.

Given the changing nature of the national borders to the north and south, the East Bank's boundaries are somewhat hazy. However, the most common grouping runs from Akaseia (now Caer Agnau in native Laatzenian) in the north to somewhere within County Saint Michele. The people of the East Bank have all their fortunes tied to the river, and are known for being crafty traders and shrewd businessmen. Honesty is seen as not one of the rivermen's virtues. For something or someone "To be from the East Bank" in Sicinian parlance is for something to be doubted on it quality or character.

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The Salis winds tranquilly past the East Bank