United Xindus

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United Xindus


United Xindus is simply a confrence between participating nations of Xindus. Those nations that participate debate issues that can affect the unity of Xindus.


United Xindus was created by the Founding Five nations of Xindus, Urquat, Pallazia, Kevinas, Nation of Quebec, and Kantoriuma soon after Xindus was created. The nations felt it would be in their best interest to keep Xindus united in the event of threats, both internal and external. As Xindus grew, so did United Xindus. United Xindus continues to exist today.

Currently Debated Issues

Currently, only two issues are being dabated by the paticipating nations.

Is seems like the Kantoranity issue will pass, although a resolution to the Woodfall Swamp Controversery has yet to reviece unamious support.

Participating Nations

Not all nations in Xindus participate in the United Xindus confrences. Below is a list of the participating nations.

Nations Not Participating

  • Sheehanium does not participate as it believes its voice will not be heard
  • Denobula Triaxa does not participate because of the very unstable government
  • Leeeeeeeeeroy Jeenkins does not participate because of the small unstable government
  • Woodfall Swamp does not participate because there has yet to be formal contact with the primitive Deku population