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Type: Monotheistic
Holy Text: The Kantual
Adherents: 400 million (approx)
Founder: His Holiness Chris Kantor
Founded: 0 AK
Place of Worship: Korval
Holy Sites: Tower of Kantor, Bestbyte
Sects(?): Yes


Kantoranity is a new religion, recently created in the region of Xindus. It attracts fed up Christians with the mainstream version. God is worshipped, but Chris Kantor is the one and only Messiah and is also worshipped. One day, the giant Kantor Frogs will begin their mission to destroy all evil and non-believers.

Creation Belief

God is the creator of all worlds. He blessed them with life. There we no landmasses to accomidate this life, so God then created the Kantor Frogs. The Kantor Frogs are giant slow moving creatures who live under the water. They have shells, which is the land and stone of the world. They have fur, which is the grass and trees of the world. The creatures then found their way onto the Kantor Frogs, eventually evolving into different forms of life. Once his work was completed, God gave the Kantor Frogs their mission, which is to destroy the unfaithful and non-believers, and thus creating a paradise for the faithful when their mission is completed. (Kantual, Mission: 1-74)

This is believed in both sects of Kantoranity.

Heaven and Hell

There is a heaven and hell concept in Kantoranity. As in Christianity, if you do good and uphold the faith's values you spend eternity in heaven after death. Likewise, if you do bad, you spend eternity in hell. If one does bad, Hell can be avoided however, with a series of rituals and prayers of forgiveness to Chris Kantor. This includes reciting the Prayer of Forgiveness multiple times, which is followed by the complex apologly dance. (Kantual, Ritual: 5-19.) Another alternatative is to die as a myrter for Kantoranity.

Heaven, in Kantoranity, is mostly believed that you will spend eternity with Chris Kantor. Good Kantorites will interact with Kantor and God. God will forgive you of all minor sins, and will allow you to choose how to spend the afterlife. Those who have committed no sins in their life will be awarded with a virgin of their choice. (Kantual, Heaven: 1-34.)

Hell, in Kantoranity, is mostly believed you will spend eternity with the devil, Matt Sheehan, and his minions in a firery cave. You will be stripped of your semi-permibable membrane, as well as any leetness you might have had in your previous life. Pain will be experienced constantly, but you will be kept alive. The devil will keep your soul, and you will be his slave. It is also said that Matt Sheehan sends out his assistants, to persuade people to follow the quicker, more seductive path of the n00b. If one follows Matt Sheehan, they will not inherit Chris Kantor's leeteness or the semi-permibable membrane.(Kantual, Hell: 1-47.)

It is believed there is no escape from Heaven or Hell.


In Kantoranity, the main rules are the Three Rules. They are as follows.

  • 1) Worship Chris Kantor, for he is your Messiah
  • 2) Emulate Chris Kantor, for he will be pleased
  • 3) Obey Chris Kantor, or you will be punished

(Kantual, Law: 1-3.)

Kantoranity also has a set of commmandments, however there are only six.

  • 1) Thou must worship God or Chris Kantor
  • 2) Thou shall not worship anf false Gods
  • 3) Thou must keep the Kantor day holy
  • 4) Thou shall not kill
  • 5) Thou shall not steal
  • 6) Thou shall not covet your neighbour's goods

(Kantual, Law: 4-11.)

There seems to be no law against adultery or poligamy. Idoltary is strictly forbidden, and it is of grave offense to depict images of God, Chris Kantor, the Kantor Frogs, and any of the prophets. Homosexuality is looked down upon, but there seems to be no rule against it. The definition of marriage is "a holy unbreakable sacrament between men and women." (Kantual, Law: 12-17.) Arranged marriages are common, but Kantorites are free to marry whom they wish. Divorce and same-sex marriage are outlawed in Kantoranity. (Kantual, Law: 13-10

All Kantorites must respect each other. {Kantual, Law: 7-5.)

Kantorites must pray to either God or Chris Kantor three times a day at the minimum. All Kantorites around the world must face the direction of the Tower of Kantor. (Kantual, Law: 10-12.)

The environment must be respected, as the Kantor Frogs will be angered if the environment is treated with disrespect. Natural diasters are in fact created by the anger of the Kantor Frogs. (Kantual, Law: 22-47.)

Sunday is also the day of worship in Kantorainity. All Kantorites must attend worship at the Korval. If a Kantorite cannot attend, they can ask a family member or friend to pray for them as well. (Kantual, Law: 30-1)

Kantorites are expected to emulate Chris Kantor. Therefore, it is a manditory custom to play Warcraft 3 for two hours a day. Any Star Trek must also be watched for a period of two hours. A Kantorite is free to choose the hours. The hours are referred to as the "Peroid of Greatness." (Kantual, Law: 47-26.)

All Kantorites must take a holy pilgrimage to any Bestbyte location every five years. It is there where those who take the journey will recieve blessings and leetness from Chris Kantor. (Kantual, Law: 20-58.)

There seem to be no diet laws in Kantoranity. It is a custom, though not required, to have the same diet as Chris Kantor. (Kantual, Law: 50-7.)

Holy Days On the Kantorian Calender

There are many holy days on the Kantorian calender. They are listed below.

  • January 20th - Founding Feast. Celebrates the founding of Kantoranity
  • February 27th - Day of His Lesser Holiness. The new Lesser Holiness in inurgated at this day at the Tower of Kantor every ten years. The celebration begins with a mass led by Chris Kantor, a feast that welcomes all Kantorians, and a festival highlighting His Lesser Holiness' nationality
  • April 15-22nd - The Kajj. All Kantorites must journey to Bestbyte locations every five years
  • July 3rd - Day of the Devil. The devil, Matt Sheehan, is said to appear on this day. All Kantorites attend mass at their local Korvals for four hours and pray that Chris Kantor will banish the devil back to Hell. Kantorites who participate are blessed with additional leetness
  • August 11th-23rd - Feast of Kantor. This is a special feast where Kantorians diet to please Chris Kantor
  • November 24th - Day of Kantor - This day is said to be Chris Kantor's birthday. Kantorites extange gifts between family and friends and gather for a special feast. They also present blessings and gifts to Chris Kantor at a special mass at the local Korval.


Below is a brief outline of some of the core doctorines in Kantoranity.

  • All Kantorites must worship Chris Kantor and/or God
  • All Kantorites are blessed with Chris Kantor's leetness
  • All Kantorites are blessed with a defensive semi-permibable membrane
  • God created the Kantor Frogs, who in turn created the world
  • The Kantual must be upheld with upmost reverence
  • The unfaithful and non-believers are heretics and will not be saved by the Kantor Frogs
  • The Kantor Frogs will create a paradise for the faithful
  • Kantorites must pray at least three times a day
  • Kantorites must attend weekly mass at the local Korvals
  • The Tower of Kantor is where one can have visions of Chris Kantor

The Kantual

The Kantual is the Holy Book in Kantoranity. The Kantual outlines the foundations of Kantoranity, and the rules Kantorites must follow. It contains eight chapters.

  • Mission - Explains the creation myth and the mission of the Kantor Frogs
  • Heaven - Explains the heaven concept and how one must obtain it
  • Hell - Explains the hell concept and how one obtains it and how one can avoid it
  • Ritual - Outlines various rituals in Kantoranity
  • Law - Outlines the basic rules and codes of Kantoranity
  • Blessings - Outlines the blessings one recieves once converted and obtains when leading a good life
  • Curses - Outlines the curses for the unfaithful and sinners
  • Fallen - Outlines the Kantorian view of non-believers and the unfaithful

Every Kantorite must own a copy of the Kantual. It is present in all ceremonies, inuragations, meetings, and is present in all the Korvals. It is a grave offense to disgrace the Kantual.

There also exists the Book of Kantorian Prayers. This book includes every prayer known in Kantoranity, and instructions on how to perform them properly.

Kantorian Order

The Kantorian Order is the greater Kantorite community. Those in the order act as representatives for the region, nation, province, town, and their local Korval. There is a special position in which the appointed person acts as chief advisor to Chris Kantor and acts as the voice of Kantoranity throughout the world. This position is similar to that of the pope.

  • His Lesser Holiness - Advisor to Chris Kantor
  • Arch Kantinal - Representative for the region
  • Kantinal - Representitive for the nation
  • Kantiship - Representative for the province
  • Arch Kantiest - Representative for the town
  • Kantiest - Represntative at the local Korval

Role of Prophets

The role of prophets in Kantoranity is to spread the word of Kantor to nations and regions that do not follow Kantoranity. They also help bring order to those that do. Prophets gather in the Tower of Kantor to discuss moral issues which they then present to Chris Kantor for approval. Christian prohets, mainly Jesus, are highly respected in Kantoranity as some of their teachings have founded some of the basics in Kantoranity. Kantorian prophets are also well respected, as almost all Kantorites follow their word.

Influences from other Religions

Kantoranity, while a new religion, actually has been somewhat influenced by mainstream religion. In the words of Chris Kantor "I decided to place the best of all religions into my own."


Kantoranity is similar to Judiasm in the fact that it has commandments and that prophets have an important role. Sunday is also the day of worship for Kantorites.


Kantoranity's name was influenced by Christianity. This is due to the fact that Christianity's name is derived from its Messiah, Jesus Christ. Kantoranity does believe that Chris Kantor is the Messiah who will come again at the end of time, to aid the Kantor Frogs in their battle against all evil. The Kantorian Order is similar to the Catholic Church.


Kantoranity is only similar to Hinduism in that Kantorites can choose to meditaite during prayer. Kantories are free to choose to worship either God or Chris Kantor, similar to how Hindus choose to worship a God(s) of their choice.


Kantoranity is similar to Islam in several ways.

  • 1) All Kantorites must pray to Chris Kantor three times a day, similar to how Muslims pray to Allah five times a day
  • 2) When praying, all Kantorites must face the direction of the Tower of Kantor, similar to how Muslims face the direction of Mecca while praying
  • 3) All Kantorites must take on a holy pilgrimage to any Bestbyte location every five years called the Kajj. Once there, they recieve blessings and leetness from Chris Kantor. Similar to how Muslims journey to Mecca.
  • 4) Idoltary is strictly forbidden
  • 5) All Kantorites will revieve a virgin in heaven if they have committed no sins
  • 6) Jesus is regarded as a great and holy prophet, but not the Son of God

Sects in Kantoranity

There are only two sects in Kantoranity. There exists mainstream Kantoranity, which is simply referred to as Kantoranity. There also exists Christiano-Kantoranity. Christaino-Kantoranity differes from Kantoranity greatly. Chris Kantor is not regarded as the Messiah, but rather only the latest of God's great prophets. He reformed some of the teachings sent from Jesus, and Christiano-Kantorites follow Jesus' teachings more closely. Thre is no Kantorian Order, and the followers do not emulate Chris Kantor. They are more-openminded, as they intrepret the Kantual to respect non-believers and the so-called heretics. Christiano-Kantorites are viewed as unfaithful in mainstream Kantoranity.

To date, about 95% of Kantorites folow the mainstream version.

Nations Under the Influence

Kantoranity is the official religion of many nations in Xindus. They are as follows.

Kevinas is contemplating making Kantoranity the nation's official religion due to its widespread popularity. It recently surpassed Hinduism as the most practised religion in the nation.

Nations That Have Banned Kantoranity

Sheehanium refuses the teachings of Kantor due to Sheehanium's general dislike of Kantoriuma. Christianity is the official religion of Jetblack3D, and the fundamentalist government will not be changing their policies. Celes 5 is known for its dislike of any religion and its official atheism.

Kantoranity Today

Kantoranity is rapidly growing in number of believers. Though it is only believed in Xindus, more and more nations are making it the official religion. There are no traits of extremism in Kantoranity, and those nations that have Kantoranity can boast their citizens are unified. Kantorites proudly say to each other, and even some non-believers, "may Kantor be with you."