Tristan Angel

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Tristan "Angel Fire" Angel
Unlikely to come
Main Position
Prime Minister of Angel Fire
Character style
Bloodthirsty leader
"Death comes to us all, I just pick up the pace"
A mistake made will shortly fall victim to her blade

Tristan "Angel Fire" Angel is the Prime Minister of Angel Fire, one of the Forgotten Territories. Known for her vicious and regular ability to alienate those that she meets, she leads the most brutal nation of the Forgotten Territories.


Stuff sitting on Forgotten Territories Page

Current Positions held

In reverse chronological order:

  • Prime Minister of Angel Fire (current)
  • Vice-President of Angel Fire
  • Assassin
  • Unofficial leader of Angel Fire
  • Citizen of Angel Fire
  • Citizen of Forgottenlands
  • Top 10 most deadly women on the planet
  • Servant of Kane
  • Wife of Kane Angel
  • Sister of Forgottenlord (I hope to hell that's still true)
History and Character

Sister of Forgottenlord, 12 years his senior. When she was 16, she was kidnapped by a group of terrorists due to one being infatuated with her. He made her his wife after returning to his homeland. He rose through the ranks and was eventually given permission to form and head a parallel group to the one he served. He is still alive but his whereabouts are unknown.

Tristan, while initially fearful, slowly turned her fear into cold fury towards her husband. Eventually, this fury was channelled by her husband into some of the most deadly attacks ever made by terrorists and did not utilize explosives. With an outlet for all her rage, she slowly fell in love with her husband, who used her newfound closeness with him to create greater rage within her. She became one of the most deadly women on the planet.

However, not all went as could be hoped for. Eventually, their base of operations was assaulted. Both her and her husband were forced to flee (though not without creating numerous casualties to the assailing force). They were seperated and unable to locate each other.

With no one else to turn to, she went to her brother. By this point, he had become to the President of Forgottenlands. While he had heard of her many evils, he gave her refuge when likely no other like-minded nation would have. He hired her as an assassin - both to keep her public profile non-existant and to make use of her talents. Eventually, he founded a nation for her with which she could make the decisions and play as she so chose.

Her career as an assassin, however, was not over - though it had taken a turn for the worse. She misinterpreted a joke and nearly attempted to assassinate Pat MacNeil, the President of Aberdeen. On a later (real) mission, she was captured by a Blackrock assassin and was able to escape from their officials, returning to her home nation. No longer wishing his sister to remain in danger, Forgottenlord gave her to position of Vice-President, formalizing her command of Angel Fire that those in the know knew she had. This Vice-Presidency changed to Prime Ministerialship when the Forgotten Territories were reorganized

Brutal, psychotic, vicious beyond belief and always thirsty for blood she no longer could get in the normal course of action, she rules Angel Fire with an iron fist. Occasionally, rumors would come from the suburbs of Port Angel of 10 to 20 dead and witnesses claiming that she was spotted slaying them, but those are often quelled and never reach the ears of her media (nor, certainly, media outside her nation). The only saving grace is she deals with her Foreign politics in a manner that would at least satisfy Forgottenlord - even if it wouldn't be, necessarily, how he would handle it.

Her activities have been numerous since she gained her new power. She was given permission by her brother to sit in the peace talks between Bloopa and Coretta after the Corettan Embassy Slaughter incident where she continues to play the role of annoying nuisance to the peace process. She also authorized the formation of the Zerg forces which worsened relations between her nation and Bloopa. When Bloopa filed charges against her for this, she began a personal feud towards her fellow leader and now does everything in her power to berate and annoy the Bloopan leader - which does not make the peace process any simpiler.


Despite her warrior nature, Tristan has never had her hair fail to reach her shoulders if she could help it. It is nearly always waist length and takes a variety of forms depending on what style and impression she wants to give. However, her normal form is braided down her back with the tips gelled into a thin strip that can leave marks in skin if its whipped about. If she's in a conference, she instead chooses to wrap it in a bun, keeping the bun together with two sharp daggers.

Her eyes are a dead brown. The right eye had sat only half an inch above a short, wide gash. Her right ear lobe is missing, her left ear lobe sports a sword earing that sometimes holds blood on its tip, a present from its most recent victim (she rarely removes evidence of her victims within a 24 hours of them being her victims). Slightly back of where the sword dangles is the upper limit of another scar - this one starting at the base of her lobe, going across the bottom of her chin and down the right side of her neck, down and right her chest and stops just below the armpit - continuing for a short ways across her arm. The lower portion of this scar is normally hidden from view by her uniform.

The uniform, itself, is the only thing she has worn in public during the latter years of her work with her husband and since her retirement from being an assassin. It was the first piece of clothing her husband had given her, and she made it the standard for the Angel Fire military. It's ripped and shares many of her scars. Two slashes go horizontally across the middle of her back, the right sleeve's front side had a slice right across it that went vertically half a foot. The rest are much more minor.


As previously mentioned, she has a sword earing. She also has what's know as a blood pen. Retracted, the tip is protected by 4 blades each extending an inch beyond the tip and 4 inches beyond their base. Even the tip is sharp enough to pierce skin, though she had never actually used it for such a purpose. Her left hip normally sports a pistol, though the model changes depending on her mood. Her right hip normally holds either her favorite sword (Death Blade) or, more regularly, a 6-inch knife (Bloodlust). When she goes for the kill, she prefers her prey to be closer rather than farther from her - she likes to taste the blood of her victims.


Married Life

Fall of the Kane Clan

Creation of Angel Fire

No more Assassin

Eramian Summit

Dancing Bananland Terrorist Attack

Positions held



Persona and Character

Important Relationships

Celeste McNair


Kane Angel

Liz Paul

Favorite Toys
