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Flag piemonte-sardegna.jpg
Flag of Piemonte-sardegna
Motto: Italia est Semper Romana
[Map URL], or No Map Available Yet
Region Venice
Capital Roma
Official Language(s) Italian
Leader His Imperial Majesty, Cesare Dario I
Population 1 billion
Currency Euro 
NS Sunset XML

The Serene Empire of Piemonte-Sardegna rose from the collapse of the Jingoistic States of Italia 1. The great earthquake of 2004, which resulted in the collapse of the major port city of Catania triggered a massive economic depression. In order to stave off the continual plunge, Italia 1 was forced to sell off large amounts of military hardware, stripping them from an already cash-strapped military. Eventually, perhaps inevitably, the neighboring state of Appenine Mountains began mobilizing troops on the shared border. Nothing happened until on November 5th, 2004 when the reigning government resigned from office. This was followed by mass resignations from members of parliament. With the absense of a government, Italia 1 fell into anarchy.

Declaring its intention to "restore order," the Appenine military launched an attack on Italia 1's fertile farmlands, cutting off the main food supply. The defenders, hoping to simply deflect the invasion and reorganize their failing homeland, unsuccessfully counterattacked their force at L'Aquila. Still, the Appenines were not satisfied with their quick flush of success. Determined to finish the war once and for all, the High Council of Leaders agreed to an entirely unorthodox decision considering their sharp military advantage in the war. They would throw a flurry of nuclear bombs across the face of Italia 1 in an effort to annihilate it entirely.

That January of 2005 proved to be the end of Italia 1. On January 5th, reports fluttered of missiles throughout the skies. Instantaneously, the skies darkened, and the sun faded, blocked out by the towering mushroom clouds. The once proud city of Bologna was reduced to flatland, while the country's capital of Florence shared a similar fate. Commenting on the nuclear attack, an anynomous resident wrote:

“A pillar of smoke and ash ascended into the air, followed by a a deafening roar and a blinding light, so bright that all around us everything vanished. When that subsided, we realized that the city of precious gold and jewels had descended into a wasteland of ruin and death.”

With the final destruction of all major cities, the nation of Italia 1 simply ceased to exist, her territories divided up not only by her conquerer, the Appenines, but also by the the Kingdom of Alps, a small oppertunist nation to the north. However, both nations, due to excessive costs in fruitless occupation and the fear of nuclear fallout, withdrew from the barren landscape to their respective countries. That sowed the seeds of the rise of the Serene Empire of Piemonte-Sardegna.

Abandoned and left alone, the surviving inhabitants were at least safe enough to rebuild their shattered homeland. Neighboring nations in their frequent wars never believed anything more would exist in the area than a feudal wasteland. Near the end of December 2005, however, the citizens of the land managed to rebuild their cities and restore the impressive road and public transportation systems they once boasted. The inaugaration of a new government on the stage of the Colosseum in Rome proved to be the end of a long and agonizing recovery program. Proclaiming itself "the Serene Empire of Piemonte-Sardegna", the elected Cesare (or emperor) Dario I vowed to restore prestige and power to the nation through the establishment of the region of Venice.

The nation now approaching some one billion in population and the economic and technological rise promises to secure a bright future for this nation.