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Flag of Knaussus
Motto: "Do As Thou Will Shall be the Whole of the Law"
No map available yet
Region Zumaria
Capital Midvalley
Official Language(s) English
Leader S. Jacob Drake ("Frater J")
Population 1.7 trillion
Currency the hug 
NS Sunset XML

<b>Knaussus was founded by a collection of rich industrialists who, inspired by the beliefs of radical communist social theorist Steve Knauss, sought to create a nation in which all people would be free from oppression. The state was wildly successful at first, providing free education to whoever chose to pursue it, and eliminating the fear of poverty and starvation from the populace.

However, the country was isolated from its capitalist neighbors, and the job market soon could not support as many doctors of anthropology, philosophy and like subjects as had been trained. This led the People's Glorious Revolutionary Council, the supreme governing body made up of the country's original founders, to suggest that the unemployed intellectuals be put to work in the fields. The PGRC was promptly seized by a mob of university students and pubicly executed.

The future leader of the state, Armond Andreas, was at that time a motivational speaker who had received his university degree in History and English at Steve Knauss University, in the capital city, which was at the time known as Knaussgrad. Armond went on to pursue a career in hypnotherapy and was well-known on the talk show circuit by the time Knaussgrad was besieged.

Andreas, along with a small group of followers, managed to infiltrate the palace and made their way to the balcony where the Revolutionary Council traditionally announced their legal verdicts. In "The Address to the Oppressed People of Knaussus", he persuaded the crowd to elect him as interim supreme leader, and abolished all political stations and groups throughout the nation.

Andreas' goal was to create a nation in which people only engaged in occupations that, in his words, "conferred a net increase in joy." He named entertainment, food, the arts, and sex as the four focal points of his new system. The country went on under his policies for some time, but mass demonstrations from politically-minded citizens and religious groups, which had also been outlawed, prevented him from carrying out the crux of his plan. While walking on the palace grounds, he was accosted and shot by self-proclaimed mystics of the Golden Dawn tradition, led by novelist S. Jacob Drake (known to his followers as "Frater J").

Frater J immediately reinstated the political bodies of Knaussus, and has begun to replace the original parliamentary system with an electronic direct-democracy. The government is presently run in accordance with the Golden Dawn system of mysticism; while suffrage is universal after age seventeen, only a minority of citizens who have reached adeptis major level in the Knaussean Golden Dawn tradition may draft laws or hold certain offices.

Due widely to the actions of J's predecessor, there is no military in the traditional sense, prostitution is both legal and widespread, and actors vastly outnumber trained bureaucrats and technicians. Because of these and other factors, his proposed changes are still in their opening stages.