Nadia Sklenova

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Nadia L. Sklenova
Age 31 (as of April 1, 2006)
Rank/Position Lieutenant Colonel, Kahanistan Republic Guard
Height 5'5" (165 cm)
Weight 115 lbs. (52 kg)
Blood type A-
Frame Slim / slender, 32B-23-31 (81B-58-78)
Hair/Eyes Blonde / Gray
I.Q. 109
Economic Left/Right -7.51
Social Libertarian/Authoritarian -5.53
Religion Agnostic
Hobbies / Interests Dance, flying, philosophy
Languages spoken English, Russian (fluent), Arabic (competent)
Weapon M9 Beretta, M-16A2, MiG-35
Affiliation Kahanistan Republic Guard

Nadia Lionelovna Sklenova (Russian: Надйа Лионъловна Скльнова), born August 5, 1974, in Al-Bahr, Kahanistan, is a Republic Guard officer, leftist political speaker, and cover girl for Communist Monthly. She is best known for her participation in the Battle of Xigrat, in which she was wounded, but was known in Communist circles long before that.

Early life

Sklenova was born in Al-Bahr, Kahanistan, the only daughter of a Russian Jewish father and a Communist atheist mother, and is herself an agnostic. She was raised in a middle-class, secular family, and grew up admiring the brave pilots who returned home from the various wars Kahanistan got itself embroiled in. In 1987, she enrolled in military training in the Republic Guard, with the blessing of her father, a former Republic Guard officer himself, and her mother, an engineer for Civil Defense. She graduated ninth in her class in 1995, with a bachelor's degree in philosophy and a concentration in Marxist-Leninist thought.

Military career

Second Lieutenant Sklenova destroyed a terrorist camp two months after her commissioning, earning a controversial Hero of the Republic medal and a promotion to First Lieutenant in an air raid of which she was the sole survivor. Before the end of 1996 she had made Captain. Such advancement is common in the Imperial Marines, who are killed fairly often, as the Republic Guard provides their logistics so almost all are combat troops, but it is nearly unheard of in the Republic Guard.

In 1997, she met a headstrong Imperial Marine officer, Lt. Colonel Rachel Levitt, who had nearly been killed in a covert mission. Levitt believed that her superiors had deliberately tried to get her killed by sending her to blow up a Fascian weapons depot. The Fascians killed her comrade and the bomb turned out to be faulty. An airstrike destroyed the depot right after Levitt escaped, with a promotion to Lieutenant Colonel. The furious officer wanted to go after her superiors personally, but her new friend helped her work within the system and they won a conviction against the general who ordered the attack. The two women became fast friends, and aided each other's careers immensely.

In 2001, then-Major Sklenova was made a test pilot for the experimental MH-181, a fighter she would use four years later at the Battle of Xigrat. This plane was experimental and very heavy. A standard MiG-29 would be stripped down and mounted with thick energy weapons. While the plane was airproofed for space combat, Kahanistan had few enemies in space and the project was belatedly scrapped after Xigrat.

In September 2005 she earned a Distinguished Service Cross and promotion to Lieutenant Colonel for taking a missile aimed at President al-Za'if's plane. She ejected from her plane less than a second before the missile hit, and was made a wing commander for her quick thinking and abilities.

Sklenova has a reputation for being a stickler for the rules, especially relating to warfare. She is said to come down very hard on rogues in her command.

Political life

Sklenova has always been an ardent Communist. While she believes firmly in human rights and is hostile to many nations that call themselves communist that are hostile to human rights, she does believe in the economic ideals these nations advocate. She has appeared in thirty issues of Kahanistanian Communist Monthly magazines since age sixteen, when she was a cadet in training.

Beginning in 1999, Sklenova appeared publicly, speaking to Communist youth demonstrators and college students at several Kahanistanian universities. She was made a low-ranking official in the local Communist party in Al-Bahr, her native city, which had no effect on her military career as the Party is not a major time commitment (in fact, most low and medium ranking officials in the Party work other jobs, as the Party does not pay) but when military activity after Xigrat became more intense, her time with the Party has been strained, as she has had less time to devote.

As a Communist, Sklenova is a staunch advocate of Shooban rights, and has kept a Shooban as a pet.

Personal life

Sklenova is single and has no children. She is also socially withdrawn, not having lost her virginity until age 27. When she does get into relationships, they tend to fizzle out rapidly. While she has liberal views on sexuality, being accepting of others' differences, she is slow to get into relationships.

At Project Alpha, she met an Amestrian delegate, Sara Liscel. The two women grew to like each other very rapidly, despite the fact that Liscel is a lesbian attracted to her and Sklenova is not. They are believed to remain in close contact.

Sklenova is very sensitive and emotional, often breaking down in tears upon hearing upon the latest Kraven, Freekish, or Doomingslandian atrocity. Her emotional state has made some wonder why she is a military officer at all. It has also interfered with her relationships, as has her military career.

Lately, she has been seen with a Velkyan officer named Sion Davenport, but little is known at this point.


"Trust me, it never gets easier, losing someone under your command."

"You say I'm obsessed with the Kraven. Maybe I am... The Kraven are murderous filth. They kill whole families in camps because one member disagrees with some Civil Doctrine. I'm normally not a hateful person, but the Kraven... I was given a briefing video once and couldn't even watch. I've seen gore in battle, I'm no stranger to blood and guts, but what really gets to you is the babies. Babies ripped from the arms of their mothers and taken to become mindfucked into Capitol Police..."