Victor Ngbanda

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Victor Ngbanda
Political position(s): Prime minister of Zaïre
Term of Office: March 5, 2006-present
Predecessor: NA (preceded by four vice-presidents)
Successor: NA
Birthdate May 3, 1968
Place of Birth: Gbadolite, Zaïre
Spouse Cecilia
Children Makanda, Nyiwa, Bobi
Profession Statesman
Political party Mouvement Populaire de la Révolution (MPR)
Languages spoken French, Ngbandi, Lingala
Religion L'élise du Christ au Zaïre (Church of Christ in Zaïre)
Philosophy Mobutism
  • Master's of Arts in Political Science

Victor Ngbanda is the current prime minister of Zaïre. A mediocre, lackluster politician, renowned for his colorless, uneventful career, lack of ambition, and wishy-washy, apolitical stances on issues, he was selected prime minister for three reasons: one, he, like President Mobutu, is from the Ngbandi tribe; two, as his career was banal and contributions insignificant, his reputation is free of controversy; and three, he is generally known as a "yes man" who does as he is told, without argument, complaint, or hesitation. He is not stupid, nor is he apathetic, he is merely unmotivated, modest, and free of any desire to attain power. He simply thought politics would be the best path for himself, and chose it accordingly. He is neither an underachiever nor an overachiever. He just does his work, without fear of failure or anticipation of success. He once modestly boasted that, "I speak for all the mediocrities of the world. I am their champion."

zaire.png Royaume de Zaïre zaire.png
Main article: Zaïre
Government: Léopold Honoré Mobutu, Victor Ngbanda, Mouvement Populaire de la Révolution
Military: Forces Armées Zaïrois
Corporations: Gécamines, MIBA, TriPetal (article by Laurasia)