Democratic Mada

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Democratic Mada
Flag of Democratic Mada
Motto: United for Democratic Mada!
Region Alliance of Sociliast States
Capital The Independent City of Debs
Official Language(s) Madian, English
Leader As of 15 Ezra CE 50 election: Prime Minister Adam Marx
Population 200 Million
Currency Madian Frank 
NS Sunset XML

The People's Republic of Democratic Mada is a country located on the western coast of large island of Upsandra in the northern Unzoli Ocean. It shares a border with The Federation of Ishtal and has hundreds of kilometers of coastline. Democratic Mada is currently a democratic socialist state that tends to follow a progressivly libral track. The economy is devolping, civil rights are a priority of citzens, and the political system is ran by the people.


Ancient History c. 30-150

It is not known for certain were the first inhabitants of the current day area of Democratic Mada arrived from. Historians speculate that a mass migration from Northwestern Zoonbringma occurred to the northern areas of Casti in the years of 30-60. The migrants relied heavily on agriculture and tried desperately to farm in the northern rocky soil, but soon migrated south to more arable land. The ancient Madaishtans established farming communities in current day Pratzé and Léon. A feudal society began to grow as leaders of communities began to arise due to wealth and status. These were the first lords and soon to be kings. City-States began to form as organized governments and society gave way because of the agricultural revolution. City-States grew in population and in area. By the year 150, Lords began to compete for power and wealth and soon formed dozen of small empires in current day Democratic Mada.

Age of Empires

Era of Revolution

Years of Tyrany and Opression

The Glorious Dominion

Independent Democratic Mada

The Dominion of Madaishtal was formly a combination of the current day Federation of Ishtal and The People's Republic of Democratic Mada. Democratic Mada became an independent nation after the almost bloodless January Revolution. The Dominion of Madaishtal sperated into two indpendent nation after the Treaty of šeola was signed on 1 Ezra CE 500. It became a memeber of the Alliance of Socialist States on 20 Ezra CE 500.




According to the Madian Constitution, the government is divied into a central legislation, judical, and executive branches.


The legislative branch is a bicarmarel system in Democratic Mada composed of The House of Seneate and The House of Representatives. The legislative branch not only creates domestic laws but also shapes the foreign policies. The members of the legistlation meet at the country's capitol, Debs, at the National House of Legistlation.

There are 25 senators in the House of Legislation. The senators are elected every 3 years in the autumn with each province electing 5 memebers. There is a 2 term limit on senators. The Independent City of Debs does not have senatorial representation.

The House of the Represenatives is comprised of 112 elected represenatives. Each province elects represnatives every 3 years during the Spring. The provinces are given a certain number of seats in the House of Represenatives prescribed by the province's population. Represenatives may serve up to 3 terms of which 2 may be consecutive. Also, the Independent City of Debs has represenative rights in this house.


The head of state is the Prime Minister. Elections are held every 4 years.

The Prime Ministers of Democratic Mada:

1. Adam Marx (2006-2010)


Democratic Mada is divided into five provinces and one independent city:

Provinces: 1. Zajaě 2. Léon 3. Casti 4. Pratzé 5. Sažjec

Independent City: 1. Debs



The people of Democratic Mada enjoy cultural institutions. The government funds museums, libraries, and art galleries which are known through out the world. The National Museum in Pratzé is well known for its extensive collection of colonial Madishte artifacts and the regionally acclaimed People's Library of Debs houses over 6 million books.

The ethnic make-up in Democratic Mada is quite diverse, but race is almost a transparent issue in this modernized society. Their primary language has been English but a gradual move towards the true tongue of Democratic Mada, Madian, is becoming increasingly popular. Experts claim that by 2015, 90% of Madians will be proficient in both languages.

Local art, music, and literature have gained widespread popularity. Madaians, as shown in their longing to reestablish the Madian language, are beginning to leave the once popular western world culture behind and forge their own identity. Fierce patriotism and nationalism have urged citizens to find their own identity through culture.


Democratic Mada has an superb public transit system used widly by its citizens.


Democratic Mada has two international airports, two regional airports, and four local airports.

International Airports

1. Pratzé International (PZI) in Pratzé

2. Democratic Mada International Airport (DMI) in Deb

Regional Airports

1. Zajaě Regional Airport (ZJE) in Zajaě

2. Marx Regional Memorial Airport (MXM) in Casti

Local Airports

1. The People's Transit Airport (LEN) in Léon

2. Northern Transit Sažjec Airport (SAJ) in Sažjec

3. Northern Transit Airport (PYL) in Pylovo, Sažjec

4. Pratzé Transit Airpot (PRZ) in Lojkiv, Pratzé

Sea Ports

1. Pratzé Sea Port

2. Casti Sea Port

3. Zajaě Sea Port