Scientific Freedom

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Being the second resolution ever passed, and one of only two in the UN Timeline#Fourth Quarter 2003, this resolution has seen many repeal attempts. Under the new UN resolution rules (also known as the Hackian Rules, Hackian Protocols, Most Glorious Protocols, etc., all named for their creator, The Most Glorious Hack), this proposal would be illegal, containing branding by the proposer. However, the UN was quite young at the time, and those rules were not in place.

On April 5th, 2006, well over 3 years after this resolutions' passing, Repeal "Scientific Freedom", proposed by Jey, was passed by the UN with a 54% majority.

Resolution Text

Scientific Freedom
A resolution to reduce barriers to free trade and commerce.

Category: Free Trade Strength: Mild Proposed By: Genius

Description: The people of Genius have long stood for Scientific freedom. By ensuring that peaceful and responsible scientists can research by their own accord, and in any nation they please, technology will move forward, and trade will increase.

Presented to the Assembly of the United Nations on twenty-second day of November in the year two thousand and two, Common Era. By the representative and leader of Genius:

Chris Meyers

The Aboolot

Protector of Genius

Defender of Freedom

Friend of the Free Realms

Votes For: 3,075

Votes Against: 1,336

Implemented: Thu Dec 26 2002

Additional Materials