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This article is about a nation. For the region, see International Democratic Union (IDU).

The Free Land of the IDU is a Shared Administrative Zone of the The International Democratic Union. It is commonly known as Freeland. Geographically, Freeland is located in the heart of the Solace Mountain Range on the southeastern border of Mikitivity, northeast of Malabra and east of Sober Thought. It has one of the IDU's most liberal economies and is the major international centre of finance, regional government and trade in the IDU.

The Free Land of The IDU
the_idu.jpg Freelandlogooo.png
Flag and State Symbol

State Map: click here

Spoken Languages English, French, German, Baranxei, Chicoutimi,
Capital Cadorn
Largest metropolitan agglomerations

??? - 11,375,619
??? - 2,003,742
??? - 420,893
??? - 213,986
??? - 76,262

Zone Administrator IDU Delegate
Government type Westminister Unicameral Parliament
Nation type City-State
Shared Regional Administrative Zone
National Symbol Thoris Pine
Country Code FL
* - source-Encyclopedia Domnonia.