Rightous Reclamation

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Rightous Reclamation
Flag of Rightous Reclamation
Motto: A mind with no purpose cannot stand firm against the darkness.
No Map Available Yet
Region {{{region}}}
Capital Imperial City
Official Language(s) Gothic
Leader Emperor Artemis Legion
Population Almost a billion strong
Currency The Holy Credit 
NS Sunset XML

The Imperial Union of Rightous Reclamation is a large and devout nation and the fact that they have a Socialist society hasn't impeded its economic growth. The people there are friendly, and hardworking; and everyone works hard not for their own personal profit, but for the Glory of the Empire. The nation is also quite large, and has a large and powerful military.


The Age of Strife

The Long War began in 2017, in they what would become to be known as the Age of Strife. In a time of trouble and economic crisis in the world, a powerful leader arose. Known only as "The Reclaimer," he proceeded to take control of a small, insignificant Eurasian country formerly known as " Armenia" through political, and violent means using a large, private military/mercenary corporation. Thus began the Age of Strife. Using his unparalleled knowledge of the human mind, the self-proclaimed Emperor pacified the masses through mostly peaceful means and united everyone in his nation under one idea: that man is God, and that purity and order must be maintained, no matter the cost, thus the world would be united under one Banner, to march forward into the depths of Space to conquer and unite other worlds in the name of Humanity. This began as inconspicuous, humanitarian aid in 3rd world countries, mainly in Africa, until most of the continent was owned by the new-founded "Imperial Union of Rightous Reclamation. The United nations did not protest anymore after the Emperor lashed at them, saying that "If no one would help these, then we shall, and none shall stand in our way." Suddenly cutting off the supply of petrol from the world after subduing the small and volatile Middle-East, he proceeded to surgically strike at key locations in Europe, until the entire planet was in turmoil. Chaos and Anarchy reigned Supreme.The World was in such total disorder that most of the records of the Age of Strife have been lost to the depths of time. During their conquest, the Imperial Union marched through most of the known world, dividing, subduing and destroying it's enemies, and most of the Old Nations of Europe were destroyed, abolished, or completely changed beyond recognition, thus millions of smaller and completely new nations sprang up during these Mighty Crusades, and continue their existance even today. Finally, as many predicted would be the inevitable finale to such a Grand Conflict, the I.U.R.R. came head to head with the mightiest super power in the world: The United States of America. While the US proved to be a difficult opponent indeed, it was only a matter of time before the IURR, having developed cleaner, more efficient forms of energy, dealt the crippled US it's death blow (after all, the majority of the petrol in the world had been seized/destroyed by the IURR). But even the mightiest opponent cannot stand forever (yet!), and after 10 more years of hard warfare in the Age of Strife, the man who came to be known as "TheReclaimer," the mighty God who had forged one of the Greatest Empires ever to march the Earth, was killed on the battle fields of war torn Europe. Thus the Age of Strife came to a close, bringing with it anew era: The Age of the Imperium. (Article still under construction.)