EXon Superiority Fighter-Bomber

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eXon Superiority Fighter-Bomber (eXon-SFB)

The ICEL-built eXon is a fifth generation Iluvauromeni aircraft, the third generation to include a magnetic impetus propulsion system, but the first to include a psuedo-gravity drive.

The primary stated goal (decided some years ago) of the 5th Generation Air Project (5GAP) was to ensure high pilot awareness of the combat theatre, and, later, when work had actually begun, also with the aim of further enhancing the electromagnetic control systems first used in the X# spatial/aerial fighter-bomber.

The ICEL Imperial Defence Forces Research&Development Division spent many long years - through no less than three regimes - developing the #-series aircraft, culminating in the final #-series aircraft, the X-sharp (X#), considered a fourth-generation aircraft by the IDF RDD. The eXon is the fifth generation, as previously mentioned, and as such is the testbed for various new technologies - apparently mostly in the softcoding area.

Information is particuarly scarce at this point, as the eXon has only been in service a matter of months.


There are several different varieties of the eXon superiority fighter-bomber, each one designed for slightly varying roles.

eXon MI/PG Fighter - A/SC variant

This version is designed to operate both in atsmopheric and space theatres. As far as space combat goes, it is not designed for non-orbital combat operations.

eXon PG/MI(T) Fighter - SS variant

Designed specifically to operate in space, the eXon PG/MI(T) - the acronym standing for 'psuedo-gravitic/magnetic impetus (thruster capacity)' - is a thoroughbred space superiority fighter. It cannot enter an atmosphere with a high degree of safety, although it is not incapable of atmospheric flight.


This version is an upgraded eXon PG/MI.

See also: M-Sharp Interceptor, ICEL, Wank